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  • Jun 19th, 2012 @ 9:18pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    I'm sorry. Is there a response to anything I said in this posting?
  • Jun 19th, 2012 @ 3:27pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Carreon's Disciplinary History

    Mrs. Carreon, what people are responding negatively to is the clear double standard that both you and your husband live by. You have voiced a blatant disregard for the DMCA notification system and yet have asked that others utilize it. You and your husband collapse on your fainting couches over the nasty things that have been said to and about you, but you then use the highly offensive and insensitive term "retard" over and over in this forum. You balk at the comic that Inman drew of FunnyJunk's mother, but have made far more disgusting photoshopped collages of various political figured you disagree with yourselves. The blatant hypocrisy you have both exercised is flabbergasting, but becomes particularly abhorrent when it is coupled with litigious action. Two of the largest charities in the country cannot possible police every dollar raised in their names. If my children set up a lemonade stand to raise money for the American Cancer Society without registering is your husband going to sue them too?

    I would advise that you revisit the tenets of the religion that you and your husband founded last summer. Particularly the tenets regarding showing one face at all times and being aware of the consequences of our actions. The following passage seems particularly poignant:

    "We are blessed with minds that allow us to reflect upon what we intend, and to consider the likely consequences of our acts before we do them."
  • Jun 18th, 2012 @ 12:28am

    Re: the really crazy thing is...

    This is exactly the kind of comment that does NOT help the situation. Point to one piece of evidence of that. Otherwise, you are just lending credence to his bogus Angry-Mobs-Are-Angry-Sue-Everyone mentality.

    Unless you are him?

    Nothing would surprise me at this point.
  • Jun 17th, 2012 @ 7:51pm


    You are adorable
  • Jun 17th, 2012 @ 5:34pm

    Re: ROFL!

    *Takes undeserved bow*

    Here is the latest crazy. Hope you're not in public, because you are about to start screaming. -everybody/
  • Jun 17th, 2012 @ 5:27pm

    Awe-Inspiring Levels of Douchebaggery

    As of Friday, Charles Carreon has actually filed suit against not only Matthew Inman, but also IndieGoGo the site that is hosting his charity, but also...wait for it...


    @TaraCarreon - care to comment on your husband's robbing cancer patients of resources (I.e. his impending disbarment)?
  • Jun 16th, 2012 @ 11:29am

    Re: Carve your own path and think for yourself.

    Oh, I don't know, Dear Heart. Maybe because he and his wife took time away from all that top knotch lawyering to hijack Inman's pterodactyl comic and write a horribly sad poem about him and post it to their website?
  • Jun 16th, 2012 @ 11:22am

    Re: Re: Re:

    Mrs. Carreon, you and your husband fundamentally do not understand new media. In that interview Matt did he actually explains why he got out of traditional SEO. He was an aggressive and very skilled link builder, but he didn't like feeling slimy. So, now he does "white hat" (see what I did there?) SEO, which boils down to this: creating useful, funny, or otherwise entertaining content that people will naturally want to share. That's not playing the "internets" or spamming social media. It's not even manipulation, and it's certainly not threatening to sue google when you don't get your way in the search engines like you and your husband did.

    Inman didn't like feeling like a douchebag, so he stopped participating in things that are douchey. Your husband would be well served to learn that lesson. Stick to what you know. Bad poetry and government conspiracy theories.
  • Jun 16th, 2012 @ 10:40am

    Re: Re: Re:

    Mrs. Carreon, you and your husband fundamentally do not understand new media. In that interview Matt did he actually explains why he got out of traditional SEO. He was an aggressive and very skilled link builder, but he didn't like feeling slimy. So, now he does "white hat" (see what I did there?) SEO, which boils down to this: creating useful, funny, or otherwise entertaining content that people will naturally want to share. That's not playing the "internets" or spamming social media. It's not even manipulation, and it's certainly not threatening to sue google when you don't get your way in the search engines like you and your husband did.

    Inman didn't like feeling like a douchebag, so he stopped participating in things that are douchey. Your husband would be well served to learn that lesson. Stick to what you know. Bad poetry and government conspiracy theories.
  • Jun 15th, 2012 @ 8:51pm

    Get your foil hats

    We are talking about an attorney who sent an equally ridiculous threatening letter to Google when his wife's psychotic, rambling web dump disappeared from Google's index in 2007 (probably due to the fact that most of its content is copied and pasted articles and screen shots with no proper attribution or back links, or relevant original content. Try not to choke on that irony). Here is an excerpt of his demands on Google:

    "1. An accounting of all the ad revenue generated from the advertising that appeared on the search page during the entire time the search page was operative.
    2. Full disclosure of the identities of each and every person or governmental or business entity that has communicated with Google, directly or through intermediaries, concerning American Buddha, the Library Site, or Tara Carreon.
    3. Full disclosure of all statistical and other information stored in the Google system concerning the Library Site.
    4. Full disclosure of the identities of all persons and entities to which Google has disclosed information concerning the Library Site, including all communications in electronic or other format received from or sent to:
    a. Google employees, agents, or contractors
    b. Third parties, including:
    i. Government entities including law enforcement agencies
    ii. Corporations or businesses
    iii. Individuals
    iv. Attorneys for any of the above
    5. Full disclosure of all information that Google disseminated internally or disclosed to any such third parties.
    6. Full disclosure of every occasion when any Internet user has inputted a search for �American� and �Buddha� or �Buddhist� in any search request since the Library Site was purged from the Google search index. "

    For the full version of this cray you can read it all from his wife's and his "library" here:

    In my opinion, we are talking about someone with narcissistic personality disorder at best, and paranoid delusions at worst. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better for all involved. I feel mostly sorry for Inman, who is going to have to spend even less time doing what he loves (writing hysterical ORIGINAL content), while he endures Carreon's pathologically egocentric nervous breakdown. Even FunnyJunk has to be shaking their heads. They signed up for the legal powerhouse who got the guy his $15 million. Not a government conspiracy theorist with bad hair, and not even a rudimentary knowledge of how the Internet works. Fail all around. At least the bears win.

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