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  • Jul 1st, 2016 @ 4:30pm

    Re: Re: A simpler version

    You may have missed my point; it's very apparent as to what the intention is, but the consequences are either an afterthought or ill-understood.

    If one can follow the trail of irrational logic from, "Terrorists use encryption", to "Terrorists use the Internet", to "Terrorists shop at Amazon", then it becomes apparent that the next move is to pressure Amazon, eBay and any number of online vendors to use this weakened encryption to help fight terrorism, or risk some form of retribution from the US government.

    In that event, online vendors becomes extremely vulnerable and the nation is no safer from terrorism, but a noticeable uptick in credit card related fraud suddenly appears.

    My example was intended more for the less tech savvy person who does use online services like Amazon, but believes that somehow backdoored encryption wouldn't be susceptible to an attack, or doesn't quite realize the magnitude of the aftermath.
  • Jul 1st, 2016 @ 12:44pm

    A simpler version

    Since the far-reaching consequences of weakening security seem to be slightly out of Mr. Bloomberg's grasp, let me offer this simpler version.

    Suppose that you buy something from Amazon, and because the encryption used has been intentionally weakened to help fight terrorism, someone other than you and Amazon's payment processor now know your full credit card number...
  • Jul 17th, 2012 @ 3:23pm

    Re: 100% boycott damnit!

    Strictly speaking, you'd want to head out for the walk too right about now. No sense in spending time complaining about takedowns; there's beautiful, beautiful sunshine to soak in!

    As for Al Green signing with the label: That's kind of how it was back then. There wasn't really another way to get your music out there. I can't fault the guy for signing with the group...but I can fault the group for their abuse of the DMCA and copyright law.
  • Jul 17th, 2012 @ 3:05pm

    (untitled comment)

    I'm not sure why I was initially OK with Romney's video being taken down, but instantly angered over Obama's video being taken down. It may have to do with the fact that it's literally nine seconds of playback, or it's due to the fact that I don't watch Romney campaign videos...hmm.

    I hope this becomes a major election issue. It's pretty obvious that copyright is being straight-up abused, and nothing really will change until it inconveniences people in power. Well, here's the inconvenience - let's see the change.
  • Jul 12th, 2012 @ 7:59am

    Fade into Irrelevance

    This isn't a good move at all. I mean, I enjoy the Colbert Report and watching it online is my only real way of accessing the content. If I can't enjoy content on my terms and time, then the content just doesn't exist.

    A move like this could make these channels fade into irrelevance, as other options of entertainment are starting to become commonplace.
  • Jun 13th, 2012 @ 4:46pm

    (untitled comment)

    I'm a bit surprised (disappointed?) that no major company made a bid for .hack. Probably more disappointed than surprised.
  • May 25th, 2012 @ 7:18pm


    Doesn't this mean that, with every new iteration of operating systems, Microsoft and Apple are contributing to piracy by making you have a hard disk of at least 30GB?
  • Feb 16th, 2012 @ 12:30pm


    Apps market employees, not Facebook employees. If you're going to bash the man, at least have your own facts straight before you look like an ass.
  • Feb 9th, 2012 @ 6:27am


    "When asked if he thinks about the people he's hurting online he responds, "Yeah, I think fuck 'em."

    You could ask the same question to music labels about ripping off musicians, and you'd get the same answer.

    Not a coincidence.

    Fixed that for you.
  • Feb 6th, 2012 @ 1:56pm

    Too bad for those not watching the Super Bowl!

    According to family and friends, this was the one commercial that was really good, too...

    Seriously, NFL - you already GOT your paycheck for the runtime of this ad, so what the hell do you have to gain by issuing a takedown notice? The whole point of putting ads in the Super Bowl is so the product makers get more exposure!

    Well, I could look it like this: Maybe Chrysler will rethink its relationship with the NFL.
  • Feb 2nd, 2012 @ 2:30pm

    It's Okay Though

    99% of the ads I'll be able to watch on Youtube either the same day or a week later, and most of the notable football action I'll be able to see about two weeks later. No harm, no foul; advertisers get their publicity, and the NFL doesn't overreact to their copyright being infringed.

    ICE, you're still doing it wrong.
  • Jan 30th, 2012 @ 10:48am


    So if I understand the premise of this request, then unless they've got a court order and lots of evidence backing their requests up, I don't have to pay attention to their demands, right?
  • Jan 18th, 2012 @ 7:49pm

    Thanks Disney!

    You shot your own legislation in the foot by not deciding to live up to your own words.I would like to believe, though, that your content creators would love to be present at the meeting, and be able to discuss their stance freely without having you breathing over their contracts and livelihoods.
  • Jan 18th, 2012 @ 7:46pm


    The MPAA and supporters of this bill have said more hyperbole than we could possibly shake a stick at. The only difference: our hyperbole has actual evidence backing it up; yours doesn't.

    Maybe it's time you were fired from your day job, Senator...
  • Oct 3rd, 2011 @ 1:30pm

    Wouldn't Hold...

    I would imagine that this would crumble for similar reasons that the Wal-Mart discrimination case did - there's way too many people for any cause of infringement to be adequately served.

    Not just that, but this may also be the wake-up call that senators need to get some actual patent reform through. But only after they're dragged through this crappy process.
  • Aug 18th, 2011 @ 8:47am

    Re: Re: An Existing Example

    A few things to add.

    1) The manga/anime business makes $2 billion dollars annually.

    2) Fan subbers do well to gauge the popularity of manga. The larger a group, the more likely you have people here in the US that are fans.

    Reasons #1 and #2 tie in together rather well. More popular content => more profit. I'm not certain of any recent numbers regarding the industry in this day and age, but I'd say, give or take half a million, that's pretty close.

    3) The industry has a hard time translating, and doesn't always get the cultural references.

    I've experienced that before, but it's becoming less of an issue nowadays.

    4)Not sure if it was this February. Seems it was in 2009. Link

    I was referring to Dattebayo, a prolific fansubbing group (despite their demeanor) that subbed two of the three most popular Anime titles, until they pushed the industry to stream them on Crunchyroll. They really were shut down this past February by ICE.

    Come to think of it, Mike has posted about this issue before back in 2008.

    Hopefully, someone from the MPAA takes a hint.
  • Aug 17th, 2011 @ 6:40pm

    Re: Re: "High Level" of Conversation

    This is why I said it was "easiest". I have stimulating conversations with my friends and close family regarding religion and politics all the time. We're all mature enough to respect one another's opinions, and keep things egoless in those debates.

    With people you don't know, and/or can't gauge how they would react to such discussion, it's easiest to avoid it, in my experience. Facebook, or any service where public posting is permitted, makes these kinds of things worse.

    TL;DR: Yes, you can have high levels of conversation with total strangers, even with controversial topics. Avoiding them is best so you get less crap for bringing it up in the first place.
  • Aug 17th, 2011 @ 3:44pm

    "High Level" of Conversation

    If you want a high level of conversation, be it with someone using their real name or a pseudonym, it's easiest to avoid conversations where emotions run high and sense runs low (e.g. religion, politics, family values, etc.).

    I just find it ironic [and quite pathetic, really] that this particular example shows Christians flaming Atheists. I'm Christian too, and I have Atheist friends. Does this make me a bad Christian? Wait a minute - Matthew 7:1, right??
  • Aug 17th, 2011 @ 3:40pm

    Re: Re:

    y u no trol hardr?

    Seriously though, rejecting broad and vague patents is a good thing. The less crappy patents going through the system, the better for innovation (and we can all avoid these horribly pointless patent litigation issues).
  • Aug 17th, 2011 @ 3:36pm

    Take the Offer!

    Leave it to Notch to offer a solution as simple as a game of Quake 3 to resolve a major copyright issue.

    I'm hoping they actually agree to it, too. It'd just be...interesting.

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