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  • Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 8:24am

    Obstruction of What?

    According to our constitution, only a jury of your peers is to decide what justice should be in this case.

    Repeat: only a jury of your peers.

    Police using the excuse of obstruction of justice is a just a way to try and get around our rights.

    These rights were written down on a piece of paper so there could be NO confusion on what these rights are.

    Police are made to take an oath to defend these rights BEFORE giving them their shiny badge and lethal weapon.

    Is any of this sounding familiar to the people of this country?

    The police are OUR employees. They should be held to the highest standards. Why is it acceptable for the employee to lie to the boss but a crime for the boss to lie to the employee? Do you see how far this country has gone into the toilet when people defend this behavior?

    The men who wrote that constitution didn't put the second amendment in there so we could defend ourselves against the common criminal. Common sense alone tells you to defend yourself against a stranger. The second amendment was placed there specifically so that we could defend ourselves against a government agency that has run amok. Read the Federalist papers.

    I think it's time we take the guns away from the police officers.

    We have the right to watch and report on our government -- AT ALL TIMES. When our government doesn't like it, then they are doing something they KNOW is wrong.

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