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  • Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:21am

    (untitled comment)

    I agree that HTTPS is a good thing, but browser support isn't as good as you make out. (I'm not saying they shouldn't switch, just that you're dismissing the browser support too easily without giving it due consideration.)

    Zero IE support before Edge and only limited support with Edge means a ~large~ portion of browsers (for most sites) will be impacted.

    Can I Use estimates only 65% of the world's in-use browsers (up to 74% of US only in-use browsers) would be supported.
  • Sep 21st, 2011 @ 10:35am

    Re: Re: Re:

    If we take away the police's extra money from these traps, cops won't be able to buy their children their favorite movies and cartoons. Those poor children will have to turn to piracy to watch their favorite shows. This piracy, in turn, will harm the poor corn farmers of America. Since corn is used in virtually everything, prices will go up across the board. Due to an overburdened economy, the government will have no choice but to raise taxes. More taxes means more lobbyists pushing for even worse laws. More laws will lead to more people helping each other avoid breaking those laws, starting the cycle anew.

    All because you selfish bastards wouldn't think of the children!
  • Sep 14th, 2011 @ 12:07pm


    So, if they own all the birds ...
    And the bird IS the word ...
    do they own all the words?

    I am pretty sure I just committed 41 counts of copyright, with all these word I just used. 43 if you count the numbers.
  • Sep 12th, 2011 @ 12:04pm

    Smart Move

    I actually think is sort of a smart (if devious) move by Lacoste.
    * They establish that they don't want to be associated with mass murders (duh)
    * They manage to have their name brought into headlines
    * While there is an association between the two (mass murders, Lacoste) that didn't exist before, it's not necessarily a bad one: they're "against" mass murders, and could be remembered as much for denouncing the guy as by any direct association of his wearing their clothes.

    It's an abuse of and waste of police time to have to deal with it, but from a pure marketing standpoint it is kinda savvy. Hell, beforehand, I'd never even heard of Lacoste, and was interested enough that I wikipedia'd them just because of this article.
  • Aug 24th, 2011 @ 9:35am


    Something like this in a searchable index would be great. Or maybe if you could restrict a Google search by things like open source, public domain, although I understand that tagging search entries with flags like public domain, copyrighted, open source, closed source, etc, would be a massive undertaking, I could see a fairly big benefit in terms of usefulness for doing so.
  • Jul 25th, 2011 @ 1:56pm

    Re: Re: Breathtaking lack of self-awareness.

    "I like to think Dark Helmet is black and then I drool over his great man breasts in the darkness known as 'my closet'. It's hot in there, if you know what I mean."

    Very RELIABLY and LEGALLY gotten by Reporter Random T. Troll (who worked for News Of the World) Chronno S. Trigger's voicemail.

    True story. Srsly.

    ^ Would that be what you meant? I mean, it's as truthful as the AC up there, amirite?
  • Jul 15th, 2011 @ 7:55am

    Re: Re: We don't want your money

    That would only work if they only kicked children offline, see. Then those pesky kids (and that stupid Dog, Scooby Doo) couldn't get into any online troubles.
  • Jul 12th, 2011 @ 7:12pm

    Re: Not sure I see ...

    I think it goes back to the same issues Mike raises about border crossings.

    You choose what to stick in a safe. It has a very limited capacity. A PC, however, can have enough room to hold every digital file you're interested in, depending on how much you want to spend on storage space and form factor.

    It's not so much that you're hiding something as there may be something in there you simply don't recall off the top of your head that they use against you in another way, much like a fishing expedition.
  • Jul 12th, 2011 @ 12:02pm

    Re: Copyrighting animal pictures

    Cats would never stand for that nonsense anyways. Well, Basement Kitteh wouldn't, at the least.
  • Jul 6th, 2011 @ 7:29am

    question from the politically inept

    When you say that Obama "has been the most aggressive President ever in trying to punish whistleblowers", how much of that is directly because of Obama vs underlings in government who are doing this stuff?

    I know that a lot of people assume that anything done during a president's term is the president's doing, and am just curious if you're following that same train of though or if there is info pointing that Obama himself is for this type of thing (as opposed to say, powerless/spineless to stop it). Not trying to defend him or say he isn't doing it, I'm just honestly curious about it.
  • Jun 28th, 2011 @ 9:12am

    Re: Good Post

    Damn. I knew I should have taken the blue copyrighted pill instead of that silly red public domain one. Now I'm in a world with it's own programmed rules, some that can be bent, some that can be broken, and some that have bad acting lawyers saying "I know kung fu" while distorting reality with ip based lawsuits.
  • Jun 24th, 2011 @ 11:02am

    Re: Re: Re:

    He didn't turn it into something different. It's obviously still the same picture, just pixelated.

    It's obviously the same in the same way that p!=p, maybe. The so similar that they're different enough that even a talented web designer proficient in Photshop couldn't modify the original and had to get a friend who was better at it to create a whole new image with the intent of making it look like first.

    If that's not transformative, you're not an anonymous coward. Oh, wait.
  • Jun 24th, 2011 @ 10:55am


    There should be a universal symbol to symbolize how weak fair use is becoming, and how that affects culture negatively.

    Sadly, there is such a symbol. It looks like this: �
  • Jun 11th, 2011 @ 9:35pm


    That sounds like a perfect excuse for a new website dedicated to it. Or at least a YouTube subscription channel!
  • May 31st, 2011 @ 12:50pm

    Re: Re: root problem

    For starters, you suck at analogies. Aside from that, I'm not entirely sure that we are trying to solve the murder problem.

    We're all about (rightly) punishing murderers. But I seriously doubt the laws are there with any real intent on prevention. The main two types of people who would murder a) feel no qualms about it, so if they don't mind murdering someone they don't care about some arbitrary law made by a government they likely don't care about, and b) do it because of some momentary emotional or mental overload (they get extremely angry, paranoid, etc) and aren't able/willing at that particularly moment to worry about the law anyways.

    Having said that, there's not much in there related to my point. I mean, if you want to go that route, I could say that the RIAA doesn't go after potential aliens who might exist and might be listing to music that sorta kinda sounds like it might be similar to something created by a human, during a drunken college party, so since the aren't suing the alien asses off those Plutonian Pirates for all of their Plutonian dirty money, the RIAA really doesn't care about stopping piracy. And we all know that's the trtuh, cause the RIAA is all about peace, love, and screwing others over. Amirite?
  • May 31st, 2011 @ 10:39am

    root problem

    In their minds, I think that the enormous cost of fighting piracy is worth it, once they find the "solution". That is, the labels think that with enough tries, sooner or later they will find the magic bullet that kills off piracy. For good.

    The problem is, of course, that even if they (by some miracle) manage to "solve" the problem of piracy, it won't stay that way. It's not a one-and-done kind of problem. Within days of most any "solution", the collective internet can and will have found some sort of way around it. Or else they'll invent a new method.

    If you're sticking your fingers in your ears like the labels and don't recognize that fact, suddenly their efforts seem more ... well, not well thought out, but less crazy at least. Even if it cost them a few billion in sales to stop it now, if they manage to "stop it" for good all they have to then do is artificial scarcity to bring all of that money back to them.
  • May 23rd, 2011 @ 11:46am

    Re: Attention:

    "Being a Tim demands perfection, sir, and it's high time you lived up to it...."

    Well, I thought that article by Tim "The Dark Capitalist Lion Taming Helmet" was just great.

    I think, sir, maybe you just have Tim-envy. =)
  • Apr 25th, 2011 @ 10:28am

    Re: It's a great idea!

    Oopsy. I meant maximalists, not minimalists.
  • Apr 25th, 2011 @ 10:26am

    It's a great idea!

    I say we let the Copyright minimalists all copy money. Furthermore, to help promote the "copy" aspect, they should post pictures of them doing so.

    Then we can send the lot of them to jail, and by removing a large percentage of the idiots from the public, become a smarter, more progressive country.

    Plus, while they are in jail, they can "copy" the act known as getting butt-plundered some of those other pesky "pirates".
  • Apr 14th, 2011 @ 11:33am

    Re: And yet another study showing that "new" thinkers get knowledge from kids

    It's certainly more knowledgeable than calling infringement theft.

    Oh, wait, you mean a false "knowledgeable" with a false "theft", causing the opposite due to double negatives? Now I see what you did there, talking about those smart kids. Nudge nudge wink win.

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