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  • May 24th, 2012 @ 9:24am

    Why are we condemning the voter's children to a CO2 death? Why?

    Canadians voted in a climate change denying (accused by us) prime minister to a majority. Where do you think these conservative votes came from? They were Liberals voting against the Fear Machine of climate change crisis. That is us; the Fear Machine. Condemning the voter's children won't get us elected and the people have spoken so let�s respect the voter and admit that the effects of Human CO2 are not "deadly", they are minimal and 26 years of warnings proves it. Let�s all at least be a real planet lovers now and rejoice at avoiding a crisis.
  • May 24th, 2012 @ 9:22am

    Condemning the voter's children to a CO2 death? Why?

    Canadians voted in a climate change denying (accused by us) prime minister to a majority. Where do you think these conservative votes came from? They were Liberals voting against the Fear Machine of climate change crisis. That is us; the Fear Machine. Condemning the voter's children won't get us elected and the people have spoken so let�s respect the voter and admit that the effects of Human CO2 are not "deadly", they are minimal and 26 years of warnings proves it. Let�s all at least be a real planet lovers now and rejoice at avoiding a crisis.
  • May 24th, 2012 @ 9:16am

    Consensus Is Not Real

    Scientific consensus says climate change is *real but unanimous consensus of it being "deadly" is nonexistent because what they all *agree on is that the effects will be from nothing to all out unstoppable warming (death). What�s not to agree with? That is why with thousands of climate scientists, there are just as many opinions from thousands of climate scientists. That is not consensus; it�s a feeding frenzy of greed. This was a consultant�s wet dream and fools fell for it for 26 years. Not one single scientist is clear in their wording of it being the end of the world. So a crisis that isn't deadly isn't a crisis and a "little tiny" catastrophic climate crisis only in Harry Potter movies.
    There is NO consensus at all of climate change being a deadly threat to the planet and if there was, there would be millions, not dozens of climate change protesters. Scientists have kids too and YES, science did give us the pesticides that made environmentalism necessary in the first place.
    REAL planet lovers are happy a crisis wasn't real.

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