The PC Authority article's author was practicing journalistic aggressiveness - now, PC Authority can say, "We reported it first!"
And Techdirt can say, "We reported that someone else reported on something first!"
There's nothing truly unique about the PC Authority article. They were just hurrying to have their fingers in the information pie. All journalists need something interesting to report about.../div>
Techdirt has not posted any stories submitted by Memphistopheles.
China's changing opinions on IP
It's nice to see all the self-congratulatory parading around here. This has been going on for years already./div>
Techdirt reported it first
The PC Authority article's author was practicing journalistic aggressiveness - now, PC Authority can say, "We reported it first!"
And Techdirt can say, "We reported that someone else reported on something first!"
There's nothing truly unique about the PC Authority article. They were just hurrying to have their fingers in the information pie. All journalists need something interesting to report about.../div>
Techdirt has not posted any stories submitted by Memphistopheles.
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