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  • Oct 11th, 2021 @ 3:31am

    Re: Re:

    Thank you. I'm sick of people catastrophising everything.
    I think this obsession with 'society falling apart' is people who are unhappy but don't know how to change.

  • Sep 10th, 2021 @ 12:40am

    (untitled comment)

    He owns Sky News? I did not know that. I already thought they were fringe, now I know they're fake fringe.

  • Sep 10th, 2021 @ 12:27am

    Re: Re: Situationally illerate American propaganda

    Tim's article promotes the idea that "My right to freedom" is more important than rules that benefit the community. It does encourage "the rules don't apply to me!" thinking.

    As for 9/11, COVID is not the same thing. Anyone can be a terrorist, forever. But eventually we're going to have to let COVID run it's course. So to say that enforcing a public health mandate to save thousands of lives until we can get a suitable vaccination level in place is going to lead to Australia forever living in a quasi-lock-down? It's not the same situation, and I don't see it ending the same.

    Our government is trying to sneak into more power, they definitely are. I think some kind of shake through would be very beneficial to Australia. But NOT in the middle of the pandemic when we have the option of getting our vaccination levels up to a herd immunity level.

    I will pick my moment to protest so I'm less likely to cause my fellow citizens illness and possibly death.

  • Sep 10th, 2021 @ 12:08am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    I certainly don't want to live in America.

    Despite the government's recent follow-America-in-international-politics stance, we have our own laws and culture over here. We are not America Lite.

  • Sep 10th, 2021 @ 12:06am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Do you meant this Australian Constitution that we don't have?

    How on earth did you come to the conclusion that any country without YOUR constitution doesn't have a system of laws and accountability for our police, army and government?

    Plus if it all goes pear-shaped, the Governor General can use the power invested in them by the Queen to dissolve our Federal Government and call an election.

  • Sep 9th, 2021 @ 11:58pm


    I know, right? I actually created an account to comment, I was so dismayed. I come to Techdirt for sanity, not rhetoric.

  • Sep 9th, 2021 @ 11:56pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    This right here.
    I'd rather the freedom not to die from COVID than the freedom not to wear masks.
    If I wanted to be free like America, I would move there.

  • Sep 9th, 2021 @ 4:52am

    Situationally illerate American propaganda

    Shame on Techdirt for jumping on this bandwagon. The story you are telling lacks context both locally and internationally.

    We are not the only country (even democratic) to use severe lock downs to manage the virus spread. Check New Zealand.

    Locally, NSW botched their initial lock downs and let the virus out. Their rubbish government is now faced with the choice of letting the virus free (which has a long list of consequences) and coming in heavy handed. Considering the damage these lock downs do to the economy, and that the economy is what pays the government, I cannot believe they have taken this lightly.

    It is an irrational fantasy that the government is on a mad power trip, two seconds from a complete reversal of all freedom. It shows a naive ignorance of what actually goes on in totalitarian states. Do we have secret police disappearing people? No. We have police publicly enforcing our legal laws. With freedom of the press to document it and full accountability.

    If they don't start easing up once the vaccine roll out is at 80%, I'll come help protest.

    Until then, keep your delusional special-snowflake "the rules shouldn't apply to me!" whinging to your Facebook echo chamber.

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