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  • Apr 25th, 2017 @ 8:18pm

    Re: FBI tracking

    You have screenshots of FBI surveillance as in you have screenshots showing for example:FBIVAN6 as an said for available networks? The way I look at it its 50/50. It's the FBI or its someone's idea of a joke. Either way there's nothing I can do to change it. How about that fuckin' Patriot Act though, right? Bush Sr. found a way to really stick it to the American people if they're not 100% on board with A New World Order and his squirrely rat bastard 9/11 conspirator son can kiss my, oh never mind cause I'm losing focus here. Do you know anything about Mormons? I know they originate in Utah, ride bicycles & wear identical clothing when they knock on your door while you're eating the type of cereal that tastes like shit when it gets soggy and they start telling you about golden tablets and an angel that kept visiting John Smith or was it Joe? Hell, it don't matter cause either one is as plain boring as the other. Anyways, I'm told most of them FBI people are in fact Mormons and wouldn't you know, that ol Comey fella that gave Hillary a pass, and I'm talking a Big Pass, well he's a Mormon too! You think me or you would get a pass from the FBI? Highly doubtful unless our last name was Clinton, related to "The Clintons", living in Utah and were verified card carrying Mormons! Perhaps a sizable donation to his wife in an offshore account such as the Cayman Island's would be to our benefit so do you see where all this leads to? It leads to a corrupt system that those in the right places aren't held accountable for their Goddamn crimes! As a matter of fact, just like the squirrely rat bastard Bush Jr., the FBI can Kiss My Ass Too! I am disgusted so I think I'll have me a beer now.
  • Jan 4th, 2017 @ 7:39pm

    Targeted Individuals of Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment

    I believe some people use FBIVAN6 as a joke and I believe the FBI is also present although not physically. I admit that I'm not very familiar with how all this technology works but I'm certain of this: when walking around outside my home the signal never goes past 1st bar over the dot (fair) and drops to no bar, only the dot (poor). It's the same inside the house continuously going from fair to poor. I am also aware that my phone has been high packed due to all the strange things its been doing for 6 months or more. It's not an open signal. I believe that somehow the signal FBIVAN6 is able to view and copy any and everything I'm doing on my phone. There are several other SSID's that seem to appear or disappear on a set schedule. There is a fucked up covert "Program" that is targeting people around the globe. If certain things weren't happening to me I would think the exact same thing I know most people reading this right now would think. "That's a bunch of crazy ass bullshit!" "This guy is mentally fucked and belongs in the nut house!" "Dude, you're not that important!" etc... etc.. I'll say this: I wish it were a psychiatric illness instead of what I'm dealing with. At least then I'd have some hope of becoming mentally stable with meds and counseling. Instead, I'm completely powerless with no say in the matter. There's not a man on earth that can stand against electromagnetic weapons and that's just one type. Google "active denial system", "medusa", "V2K microwave hearing device or voice of God) or DIY homemade microwave gun that any teen can make with a magnetron from an old microwave. Myron May and Aaron Alexis (navy yard shooter) were both victims of this technology before they chose their victims. They were just 2 people of many that were deliberately pushed into a corner before they reacted with violence. Thank God I'm aware of what's happening as opposed to thinking I'm losing my mind or that God or the devil is communicating with me. Don't trust the media for the truth. It's up to you to seek the truth from other sources. FBIVAN6 or whatever else is used could be exactly what you see on the screen. The FBI choosing you for targeting. I don't wish this on anyone with a soul...

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