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  • Dec 5th, 2009 @ 12:02pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lots of people missing the point

    I think the opposite, which is that the vast majority of Xbox 360 owners are happy to see cheaters and people who abuse exploits kicked off the service. It's a very vocal minority who rabble rouses on the internet stating how M$$$$ made their console useless and that's not FAIR! that is being extremely over represented.
  • Dec 5th, 2009 @ 11:59am

    Re: Re: Re: Lots of people missing the point

    I happily play my console on live all the time, but the implication that it just DOESN'T WORK without Live is idiocy. The fact is, unless you're modding your box to pirate games or cheating at online games to ruin everyone else's experience at the cost of your own, you don't have anything to worry about. Everyone who is up in arms about it is either looking for a reason to rail on MS because that's what they do, or pissed off that they can't cheat anymore.

    Excuse me if I don't find this position sympathetic.
  • Dec 4th, 2009 @ 5:54pm

    Re: Lots of people missing the point

    This is a load of crap, and was just as much of a load of crap when people were talking about modders being banned. I take my console off of XBL and play it offline all the time, and EVERYTHING WORKS FINE. No, i can't log on to facebook, stream netflix or listen to last.fm, but these are peripheral features of my gaming console. It still plays everything fine and 99% of what people do work fine.

    All of this moral outrage because asshole kids exploit games and can't go online to download new clothes for their avatar is incredibly irritating. Especially because it's just academic and coming from people who don't even use the service in the majority of instances.
  • Dec 4th, 2009 @ 5:47pm

    (untitled comment)

    Your description is off, for starters. A grenade exploding after you die is actually a feature of the Martyrdom perk, and part of the game.

    The exploit here is that people somehow glitch out one of the rocket launchers so that every time they die a huge explosion (MUCH MUCH bigger than a 'nade) kills everyone in the area.

    I was playing yesterday, and 2 guys were exploiting this. Basically what happens is, every time you shot them, you would die. They would blow up in an explosion so big that you and anyone else around would die. It made the game pretty much unplayable for everyone else on the other team.

    They were fully aware that it was an exploit and were laughing at everyone about it on voice after the match.

    Do I feel bad if those guys get banned for 24 hours? Not one bit. These people are fully aware they're doing something they shouldn't, and laughing in the faces of the 10 other people who's games they're ruining.

    I'd be shocked if any of the people bitching above had played MW2, or were gamers at all.

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