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  • Jul 17th, 2009 @ 1:25pm

    PLEASE HELP US (as azul)


    I have been a single mother for over 17 years .I have a son that has disabilites and a daughter that will be 16 in two weeks.and is talking about getting out of school to go to the army so she can help me with the bills and it breaks my heart because i want her to stay in school and be a kid not to be worrying about our bills.But I have been out of work for over 4 months now and I have try to apply everywere and gone to workforce and jobfairs but nothing yet evrey one is telling me they will keep my app on files till they strat hiring agian.times are really hard for us right now. Our bills are all backed up my sons ssi check only covers half of the rent so they rest of it and the light and gas and car insurence have not been paid they just sent me a letter that my light and gas are due for shut off at the end of this month and the landlord told me he is sorry but he has worked with me to give me time to get on my feet but we are going on the 5th month and if he doesn't get the rest of his money he is gonna strat court papers to get us out and i don't know what to do .I have been to all the churches and state agency to try to get help but the state agencys tell me unless i have proof that i have strated a job to be able to keep up with the bills after they help me with what ever they can that they won't be able to I'm trying to see if any one out there that reads my blog that can help my family out any amount to get us strated is great god will give you twice as much for helping us out.I want to go back to school to get my associates degree in medical billing to have a better chance at a good job but with being about to lose everything and not being able to have scuerty it's hard for me to go back right now but it is a goal once we get back on track.I'm even trying to sale my car to try to get some money to pay my bills.because right now i can't us it anyway with no insurence on it so it has a for sale sign on it and i put it on craigslist along with alot of my othere items i'm trying to sale so we won't lose the roof over our heads but nothing yet .so please if theres some one out there with a big heart that can feel my pain and knows what it is for a single mom to be going through these strugles please help us email is and it is my paypal email also .I can't sleep I can't eat all I do is pray to god for him to lead me in the right path so I can keep trying to find a way everyday.GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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