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  • Sep 18th, 2017 @ 3:46am

    I think it's funny (as Nico)

    It's targeted and not as annoying as a letter from a lawyer. Netflix is spending a pretty penny on producing the show, fair enough if they hope to see a return. I doubt it will turn downloaders into subscribers, but it's a message I wouldn't argue with.
  • Nov 12th, 2013 @ 11:18pm

    (untitled comment)

    Not sure about this. Wouldn't the trademark in question have had to be considered "scandalous or immoral" / "disreput[ing] persons" at the time of its registration? If all the ongoing legal actions mentioned do not harm the "good name" in the public opinion, I fear there will be neither successful legal action nor an interest in the trademark's owner to change anything. Being founded sometime in the 1930s, they rather might counter with protecting the heritage. I wasn't aware of this issue before and while cross-reading noticed there are many similar team names across sports and leagues. I assume not every fan or team member is even aware of a potential racist meaning of their team's name and wouldn't associate with such. But then while in the US there are often attempts to be politically correct, it seems the real problems are not tackled. Latent racism remains, in a land founded and built by immigrants from all over the world. Change segregation, education and attitude first and names will change automatically or lose their meaning.

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