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About NinjaNot as politically engaged as I would like. I'm quite glad the Internet provided me with forms of activism and political participation while allowing me to develop my daily activities. I do believe we are going through convoluted times but I see light in the end. Other than that I'm a technology enthusiast and I'd love to spend much more money trying new stuff! |
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When a goddamn exercise equipment stops functioning because of internet connectivity loss it's either the company goes down in a fiery death or we failed as society. Looks at pandemic response Yep, we failed. Let the meteor come.
/div>Re: Re: Trail Cameras
In this specific case I believe it could. You need to choose a good spot, position the camera properly, evaluate and sort the pictures etc. The animals or whatever don't need to act like that macaque monkey did in this case. I could be wrong but I think this is one of these grey zone possibilities.
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Somewhere a money launderer shed a tear over your poem.
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Precisely why I avoid Nintendo like the plague and even when I 'own' games from online services I still keep my favorites properly pirated and stored.
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Ah yes, if some seller told me I had to pay a recurring fee to access car functions that can be accessed locally without connections I'd either ask not to be shown options from that brand anymore or leave the place if it was a single brand dealer. But hey, private companies don't need regulations, they will behave some ppl say. Yeah.
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It's not clear to me if the person involved in the trial was involved AGAINST Netanyahu. It's probably the case but it would be nice to know since it could be something systemic and independent from whoever is prime minister. Other than that it's quite shocking to see the tools being misused but it's hardly a surprise.
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This is a complete nightmare for any site owner nowadays. I'm just thinking about the thousands of online 3rd-party objects most systems and sites use to streamline all sorts of stuff. If this decision holds and becomes precedent there will be... a lot of innocent blood spilled.
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Re: Re:
Your words fail to convene how huge of a disaster this actually is. I hope a friend of mine struck by heavy depression never comes across any information about this. Or at least share with me so I can help work out the inevitable paranoia this will generate.
/div>Re: There's indifference, there's evil, and then there's THIS...
March 2020 had a brief hiccup in the second half of 2021 when ppl got their vaccines and thought we could finally move on with our lives. But they forgot greed (African and other poor countries with almost no vaccination) and anti-vaxxers so we are now stuck in the second half of 2021.
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Re: 'Here's some scapegoats now please don't look closer'
This. But I would guess it's not department-wide. It's a cancer in the entirety of the police forces. In the whole world. And it's just possible because law enforcement in general wield their power unchecked, with little to no oversight. That dilemma "who judges the judges" is evolving and getting worse because this king of thing would not be possible if everybody was doing their job including but not limited to the judges as well. Obvious racism/abuse cases don't get dismissed by themselves, there's a judge dismissing them and not being punished for their own bigotry.
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"Three out of four Americans feel that municipal/community broadband should be allowed because it would ensure that broadband access is treated like other vital infrastructure such as highways, bridges, water systems, and electrical grids, allowing all Americans to have equal access to it." - don't let that pesky democracy fool you, corporate profit is more important.
/div>Re: What's a little torture of prisoners among nations?'
It's very sad that he sucks as a person as far as I can tell. Because a ton of people, including a lot of commenters here, would rather see an idiot punished and freedom of press destroyed than admitting he is being persecuted and harassed by the US govt. Idiots are entitled to their rights as much as people we like.
/div>Re: Re:
O yeah, it's totally different having a small and a big stroke because of the stress induced by governmental harassment, persecution. Having a goddamn stroke. Way to shill for a corrupt government and against freedom of press.
/div>Lost time
The thing that strikes me the most is that nothing will give back the 25 years he spent in prison because of police corruption. The absolutely least justice can do is to make the cops serve 25 years plus whatever are the penalties for these violations. At the very least an year for an year. Unfortunately I don't see this happening. But I do hope things change in the future.
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So they don't like encryption. So why don't they do their banking without it? Why don't they give up their privacy and simply open up their phones so everybody can take a peek? Hard questions.
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This is one of those times I'd like to be able to vote in Oregon. Wyden is one of these good politicians you wish all the others were.
Look to Texas if you want to experience the Middle Ages.
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