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New York, New York is a hell of a town....

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  • May 18th, 2011 @ 3:16pm

    NO, IP PROTECT would be distasterous for Google's profits

    Stop hiding behind the tired free speech meme. Google makes tons of income from its advertising on websites the contain stolen or illegal goods. Try as they might, they cannot continue to cry "free speech" every time there are legitimate questions raised about their business model. (Seems the FDA and company are taking notice of this too). Where there's smoke, there's fire.

    Also, I should note that the victims of piracy aren't just the major corporations (ie studios, etc.). More important, and something that this website seems to regularly overlook, is the negative effect that content theft is having on the not-so-big companies/artists/individuals.

    Google's repeated cries of "free speech" remind me of a fable involving a little boy who cried "wolf" one too many times.

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