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  • Jun 15th, 2010 @ 11:56am

    Thanks for the Input Mike!

    Thank you for the thoughts on the copyright issues, I do appreciate it very much. Also, thanks for the kind words too, I really needed to vent, and have someone listen and respond.

    I hope the following message is okay to post here, if it is not please remove my post, okay? No hard feelings on my part at all.

    If anyone would like some of my graphics then please send me a message here on this board. After all, they are public domain pictures, so I do not own them.

    Also, if any of you that are the good design artists that I know you are,and would like to help a website for personalized childrens Santa letters, then drop me an email to:


    (Gosh, I know that is right!)
  • Jun 15th, 2010 @ 10:10am

    Re: Re: Is Anyone Watching This Thread Now?

    I would like to comment now, since at least someone is reading it. This is a vent time for me because this issue just came up to me again, due to some work that I am doing now. (Yes, there are a lot of I's in this post).

    I am a stay at home older mom with one child. I have to stay at home because of several different health reasons, which I will not bore everyone about.

    This is why I want to sell CDs of puzzles, and I try to do a bit of good along the way to help others out too.

    Been there and bought the t-shirt so to speak.

    I feel for the artists that can not use public domain pictures in their artwork because I love to scan the pictures too, and make puzzles out of them that people can play on their computer. It is fortunate that I love the Victorian and Edwardian era, at least there are not as many copyright restrictions on them. Well, at least in theory because it depends on where you get them from of course.

    I have resorted to buying the original material, and scanning them in myself, and then cleaning them up in a good graphics editor.

    The point is that this is very expensive, but I am so scared of breaking someones copyright, that it cost a fortune to make the CDs.

    Also, I want it to be known that I would never ever intentionally break someones work, but my gosh, it is so hard to know what you can do!

    Another example:

    There are clubs online that I belong to which make and sell personalized Santa letters for children, and it is scary to send in free pictures that I have scanned from original postcards or old greeting cards of old world Santa's because of the fear for the owners, to post them on the websites due to copyright violations.

    I am giving them away, and trying to help the people on their websites because of copyright issues. Yet, I feel intimated by the big boys and girls that have so many images.

    Truly, I will give away images from my scans for artists or others that can afford them.

    This is not a promotion of me and what I do, the issue of copyright violations is mind boggling.

    Where do you stand on these types of issues?

    Thanks for any input on this, and I appreciated your response.

  • Jun 15th, 2010 @ 1:22am

    Is Anyone Watching This Thread Now?

    I agree there are a lot of valid point here. I just do not know if I should comment now on it?

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