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  • Aug 30th, 2019 @ 3:22pm


    That might not work in my country. I know of several criminal cases where it was argued that the the defendant did this on purpose, and the court accepted the argument.

  • Aug 30th, 2019 @ 3:17pm

    Some information from a local

    I live in Denmark and have followed this case closely.

    The problem is that telecoms are required by law to collect location data of phones. This law has been declared illegal (violation of human rights and the proportionality principle) by the EU court of justice several years ago, but has not been changed yet.

    The location data is frequently used in criminal cases here, and counts as objective evidence, like a vitness report.

    This scandal is that our police "converted" the data obtained from the telecom before presenting it to the court, and that there were several serious errors in this "conversion". Even worse, our police kept this secret for months after it was discovered.

    Now add that the defense in a criminal case in our country are not allowed to do any investigation, as our police has a monopoly on this. So if a defence lawyer tries to obtain the original location data from the telecom he would break the law and loose his license to practise law.

    This means that the defense in a criminal case has to rely on the location data "evidence" presented to the court by the prosecution.

    When news of the "conversion errors" were first made public, we were told that this error could have been happening since 2012, but later it has been revealed that it could have happened even before that.

    More than half of all "criminals" in jail in my country today vere convicted because of this faulty location data presented to the courts, so this is a huge scandal.

  • Jun 29th, 2019 @ 8:56pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: How I really saw the extent of the tracking

    This is what really spooked me. I never wanted a smartphone, but my employer insisted. I know for sure that it had not been used before, as I unwrapped the sealed package myself. And I never logged into any service on my new phone - in fact I had never even browsed the web on this phone before the incident. Also I had not installed any apps, and only used a few of the pre-installed aps (phone calls, SMS, alarm clock and Google Maps).

    I had turned on wifi a few times to download updates to the phone, but I immediately turned it off when done, and wifi was never turned on near my home. I had begun to use Google Maps for navigating while away from home, and turned off GPS again when done.

    But the first time I forgot to turn off GPS after using it with Google Maps for navigation (without logging in to Google) and returned home, almost all Adwords ads on my private home PC were suddenly about smartphone equipment.

  • Jun 25th, 2019 @ 3:04pm


    I can relate to that. Several times I searched for something I wanted to buy and bought it online.

    And then I began to see a lot of ads for what I just purchased. Even if it was something you usually just buy once, and never again for many years.

    Waste of advertising money, but a profit for the advertisement seller.

  • Jun 25th, 2019 @ 2:53pm

    Re: Re: How I really saw the extent of the tracking

    Because I never logged in to Google or any other service on my new phone before this happened.

    I just used Google Maps for navigation without logging in. And I did that several times in the preceeding months without seing any targeted ads, as I remembered to turn off GPS before returning home.

    There should have been nothing at all linking my work phone to my home PC - until I forgot to turn off GPS before returning home just once.

  • Jun 25th, 2019 @ 11:52am

    How I really saw the extent of the tracking

    Years ago I got a new phone, my first smartphone. I do not remember if it was a Samsung Galaxy 3 or 4. It was a company phone, so it was not directly linked to my name or my address.

    For about 3 or 4 months I remembered to always turn off wifi and GPS before going home. In this period the advertisements I saw on my home PC were pretty normal. I never installed any apps on the smartphone that were not preinstalled. And I never opened any of the more creepy apps that cannot be uninstalled, like Facebook Messenger.

    But then one day when I had been out I had been using Google Maps to navigate to a place I did not know, and I forgot to turn off GPS when I was done.

    When I was home I went on the net on my home PC, and suddenly all the advertisements I saw were for smartphone add-ons. This made me check my phone and I discovered that I forgot to turn off GPS. Of course I immediately turned it off.

    But now somebody (hello Google) had made the link between my smartphone and my home PC. And the ads for smartphone add-ons continued for almost half a year, although I never clicked a single one (they freaked me out).

    This was in Denmark. And even with the weaker privacy laws we had at this time, this kind of tracking was supposed to be illegal.

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