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  • Nov 25th, 2009 @ 2:13pm

    A few suggestions - Let's try it and see

    I think papers are well aware of the value of getting google traffic. I bet most of them employ SEO people to get better placement in Google. So why the complaints? Because Google has money, so why not grab for some?

    I have a few suggestions I wish I could see in real-life
    1. Papers who think Google is stealing from them, or sending
    them worthless bums - why don't they simply prevent their
    pages from being indexed? They don't need anyone's
    permission, and hey- we stopped the theft, and kept out
    the bums. Hurray for us.
    2. I wonder what would happen if Google "By Mistake" has
    a glitch that either cause content from a specific
    newspaper from to not show up at all, or not be a link
    - just the text, and users can go to the original if
    they want by directly pointing the browser there.
    I bet the affected paper will very quickly ask Google to
    fix the bug, and fast.
    3. I wonder what would happen if Google were to tell each
    paper "if you want to be included, you have to pay us"
    and it can either be a symbolic sum, just to establish
    who is providing value to whom, or a symbolic value
    per click-through from Google to the content site.

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