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  • Mar 2nd, 2010 @ 3:06am

    (untitled comment)

    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I'm also interested in your opinion about the transparency of ASCAP, BMI en SESAC, confidence in middle men (managers, labels) and systems of pay-to-play licensing.
  • Mar 1st, 2010 @ 8:47am

    Re: Re: And other resources

    Of course I don't think you are stupid. I try to draw some attention to what I believe has to become a serious issue. Individual or collective management of rights, that's the question. My advice to authors: I don't care what you choose, but think first. And about our site: yes, we are working on it.
  • Mar 1st, 2010 @ 8:19am

    And other resources

    Social media have become a part of our lives. Let's hope the same will happen to the individual management of music copyright. It's already started. Look at http://www.villamusicrights.com.
  • Feb 16th, 2010 @ 7:22am

    (untitled comment)

    New model for music copyright: check out http://www.villamusicrights.com
  • Feb 10th, 2010 @ 2:52am


    Is this the future of the music industry? I don't think so.
    On our website with alternative quality music downloads by home users are free. Composers have decided to do this, because they manage their own rights. Only business users have to pay a modest amount of money.
    Check out http:www.villamusicrights.com
  • Dec 22nd, 2009 @ 7:20am

    Give copyright back to the authors

    Actually, copyright law itself is not that complex. The structure behind it is. Collecting societies, music publishers and record companies, who knows what they are doing? Imagine, you’re a small artist who wants to be famous. Sign here, sign here and sign here. Before you know it you don’t have any rights left, including income from gigs and merchandising. It used to be evident that we wanted to reward the creativity of people. Nowadays, it’s not that obvious anymore. My idea is that we should not discuss copyright law, but how to protect the performing, reproduction and any other rights of the music authors. Luckily I’m not the only one who is worried. It can’t be any coincidence that the Featured Artists Coalition was founded. They want the artists to have more control of their music and a much fairer share of the profits it generates in the digital age. But there is also another way. The internet is a promising marketing environment, fit for individual management of copyright and the delivery of rights on demand to users. In these circumstances the music authors are in full control of their rights. And is that not what it used to be all about? Giving the advantages of being creative to such persons? I hope the authors will be more and more aware of the fact that they have a strong legal position.

    Website for D.I.Y music copyright: http://www.villamusicrights.com
  • Dec 2nd, 2009 @ 1:04pm


    The world of music copyright is evolving. Monopolies of collecting societies are under pressure. Songwriters complain about a lack of benefit, music users about non-transparent and high tariffs. Collecting societies are old-fashioned. Now is the time for online DIY copyright management.

    VillaMusicRights is a website in English, Spanish and Dutch, and plays a role as a facilitator in the contacts between songwriters and users of their music. This means you can upload your music and arrange your rights. The music will be stored in a database and users can download it.
    Downloads for home users are free, but business users have to pay a modest amount of money. Both songwriters and users have to register. Songwriters have to declare to own the rights to the music and users have to declare that they won’t use the music for other purposes than agreed.
    VillaMusicRights takes care of payments between songwriters and business users and receives a commission in remuneration of the cost of display, advice and transactions.

    A lot of music genres already are represented in the database, from rock to reggae and from blues to easy listening.

    Website: http://www.villamusicrights.com
  • Nov 16th, 2009 @ 2:50am


    The world of music copyright is evolving. Monopolies of collecting societies are under pressure. Songwriters complain about a lack of benefit, music users about non-transparent and high tariffs. Collecting societies are old-fashioned. Now is the time for online DIY copyright management.

    VillaMusicRights is a website in English, Spanish and Dutch, and plays a role as a facilitator in the contacts between songwriters and users of their music. This means you can upload your music and arrange your rights. The music will be stored in a database and users can download it.
    Downloads for home users are free, but business users have to pay a modest amount of money. Both songwriters and users have to register. Songwriters have to declare to own the rights to the music and users have to declare that they won’t use the music for other purposes than agreed.
    VillaMusicRights takes care of payments between songwriters and business users and receives a commission in remuneration of the cost of display, advice and transactions.

    A lot of music genres already are represented in the database, from rock to reggae and from blues to easy listening.

    Website: http://www.villamusicrights.com

    Email: oxana@villamusicrights.com
  • Jul 24th, 2009 @ 1:28pm

    Re: Re: Give copyright back to the authors

    You are right. They just need a little help from their friends. Look at http://www.villamusicrights.com.
  • Jul 24th, 2009 @ 9:14am

    Give copyright back to the authors

    How many times it was said that Michael Jackson owned the music copyright to the Beatles songs? That's simply not true. This was about the publishing rights, not the performance of mechanical rights. How to tell the public?
    It's much easier to get rid of collecting societies, recording companies and music publishers. Let us give copyright back to the authors and let them manage their own rights.

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