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  • Dec 30th, 2010 @ 8:37am

    Re: Re: so ... you poop for free?

    I have no idea. I wouldn't waste the time I now spend commenting on provocative blog posts, merely to set up a site like that.

    My point was that "intellectual property" can serve not merely to take rent off ideas that have been massaged from the jungian consciousness, but also to protect the reputation of the artist.

    Of course Ms Paley seems not to be concerned with that, or with the rent-producing function of i.p. Arguably this is because her works all are "for hire". Arguably her lack of concern stems from a failure to consider whether she would be hired, unless her patron had some way to reliably profit from her works. The present i.p. regime, like the present regime of law dealing with real and personal properties, provides predictability that sustains a complex economological system ... in which blog commenters crawl as copraphages.
  • Dec 30th, 2010 @ 6:53am

    so ... you poop for free?

    I think maybe, should I take this post of yours as implicit license to download *every single one* of your online poops, and re-upload them for my profit on sites displaying xxx porn and escort service advertisements?

    ... uh ... you didn't want your work associated with that sort of stuff?

    hey, don't get your pooperty on my porn parade!

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