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  • May 4th, 2018 @ 1:47pm

    (untitled comment)

    Once again, American media-types pour scorn over an (albeit, likely failed attempt) at an EU attempt to 'limit' lousy content available to its over 500M citizens (slightly more than the US).

    Politicos, globally, want the Internet to be censored to their 'objective' ideals. And, no doubt, censored to their Political beliefs. However, who or what IS the censor? Again, history has shown that censorship of any sort is dominated by failed political ideologies and those 'democracies' that wish to subjugate their subjects.

    No amount of overt censorship will suppress the truth. It will always be outed in the end.
  • May 4th, 2018 @ 1:17pm

    (untitled comment)

    I wonder how the 'winners' of your country will historically portray Trump et al. when he is long dead and forgotten by today's generation?

    Will your history books reflect the egregious harm he has perpetrated on the World at large?

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