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  • Oct 4th, 2019 @ 1:02pm

    Re: Set it straight.

    NYT is not allowing comments on this OpEd. Sadly, Marantz's POV reflects the conventional wisdom of NYT's millennial tech writers including Farhad Manjoo and Chris Hughes as well as older tech contributors including Kara Swisher and Jonathan Taplin. What is amazing is that, of course, if this POV were widely accepted, it would be the death of the free press as we know it, including the NYT. "Punch" Sulzberger and Abe Rosenthal -- the last of the greatest generation of NY Timesmen -- are certainly rolling over in their graves with this new direction the Gray Lady has taken.

  • Oct 4th, 2019 @ 12:42pm

    (untitled comment)

    Absolutely right, Mr.Masnick. Aside from the stupidity you mention, there is also the fact that the worst recent acts of violent extremism - 9/11 and Oklahoma City - were committed before the advent of social media, and before the internet was a mass medium, in fact. Further, if we're willing to save lives by discarding with the Bill of RIghts, we could replace "proof beyond reasonable doubt" with "preponderance of evidence" in criminal jurisprudence, and lock up violent mentally ill people for life. That would save tends of thousands of lives...but, then again, saving lives has never been what the chattering classes of the left were concerned about.

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