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  • May 28th, 2020 @ 3:50pm

    Re: NOT A SCAM

    In order to succeed in business, you need to develop a brand and while this is what they claim they can help you with, they themselves always keep reinventing their operating companies so as to keep a clean BBB rating, name of show, and spokespersons. There is not one good reason why a show would not want to create a consistent brand unless there was a reason to stay one step ahead of unhappy clients from keeping their complaints from reaching prospective new companies.

  • May 26th, 2020 @ 7:44pm

    (untitled comment)

    We received a solicitation and my partner responded to the email with interest. After the pitch, we shortly received an email of the agreement requesting $27k inclusive of the travel costs paid in 3 installments. I then started the google rabbit hole when I specifically googled one of the previous companies showcased on their website and it showed up as Information Matrix instead of Behind the Scenes. That then led me to various scam related articles including this one. They go to great lengths to fill up the searches with their PR announcements, etc so the cursory searches turn up nothing. Years after this article is written, they are doing the exact same thing with minor changes to their actors and documentation but at the end of the day, they are still scamming. We told them were weren’t interested after doing some research and to not solicit us again. Other names that seem connected are Bill Hough (search name and Boca Raton) and possibly James Batmasian who is the largest commercial property owner in Boca Raton.

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