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  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:46pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Apparently, you will never be satisfied until people everywhere do not make a distinction among people on the basis of their behaviors. Homosexuality is a behavior, a lifestyle, and above all, a choice. All homosexuals are responsible for the actions they take, and they choose every sex act they participate in. BTW, I'm responsible, too. So am I making a distinction on the basis of behavior? Yup. Furthermore, making a distinction is NOT persecution! LOL. You don't even take yourself seriously, do you?
  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:40pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    ROFL. Seriously, stop. You have no proof that he has persecuted homosexuals. Stating that something is morally evil, as homosexuality is, is not the same thing as persecuting homosexual people.

    And if I choose, as an agent of free will, to not hire a homosexual person because I believe the practice of homosexuality to be evil, that is not persecution, anymore than someone refusing to hire me because I am a night owl. To use the government to compel me to violate my fourth amendment rights of free association -- now that is evil.
  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:32pm

    Re: Re: Re: Careful there, turnabout is fair play...

    You are putting words in his mouth. He said nothing about 'good old days', 'women taking jobs from me and knew their place'. So, you are lying about what he said.

    Uhm, no. 'Women knowing their place' is not part of those 'traditional family values'. That is also a lie. Seriously, if you don't know anything about what you're attacking, just stop! You're making a fool out of yourself.
  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:30pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    No, they were not jokes in the sense of being innocent. The jokes were clearly part of a cultural domination, and they work well in drawing lines between "us" and "them". Think about it like this. What if I said, "When was the last time you saw a gay go into a motorcycle shop?" Ha ha, right? Uhm, no. You get the idea. It's a cultural offensive, and to claim that you know nothing about it and can't see it is risible.

    Inexplicably? LOL. You, as part of an oppressed group, have no sympathy for someone else feeling attacked. I think that says it all. Why don't you develop some sensitivity to other people's feelings? Or do you feel that other people's feelings don't deserve recognition or validation for some reason? Hmm.

    He doesn't harbor resentment towards homosexuals that I could tell. He harbors resentment towards actions, towards words and deeds, towards you know -- being treated a certain way and having things assumed about him. Surely you get the idea by now.

    Generally representative? LOL. I think they are. As for evidence, I point to your own words. You have confirmed everything that he said in your own gross stereotypes and broad-brush thinking.
  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:22pm


    Why would it be idiotic coming from white people? Your bias is showing, because you assume that white pride is a racist construction, and you also assume that black pride isn't a racist construction. Then you argue further on, assuming stereotypes that whites have small penises. Seriously, you are a bigot, barely disguised.
  • Aug 15th, 2013 @ 7:19pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    LOL. Your ignorance is showing. 1) Homosexuality is not the same thing as being black or being a woman; it is a behavior. 2) Homosexuals are not being denied the right to vote, nor the right to marry -- if you even understand what marriage means and has meant for 2k years, which is doubtful. 3) Being denied something as a matter of state law (Jim Crow) is different than being forced to endorse something as a private businessman or risk being sued. As for citations, do your freakin' homework and spend five minutes on Google. I won't do your thinking for you.

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