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  • Sep 24th, 2015 @ 3:01am

    Speaking For Myself....

    I run a network of small entertainment based websites, and speaking for myself, comments are impossible. Using Wordpress and trying to combat the mountains of spam that gets posted was just ridiculous. I was spending two to three hours a day just getting rid of shit that had nothing to do with the posts and comments on the sites.

    I didn't want to get rid of the comments, but when you're a one person operation that has but a few hundred loyal readers, it's hard to justify keeping it when 90% of the comments were the generic "I love what you wrote" bullshit just trying to get a free link back to their spam sites, as opposed to a reader or listener making a legit comment.

    I see the same thing happening on sites I follow in the entertainment industry also. When Variety and Hollywood Reporter can't be bothered to clean out spam posts, who else is going to bother either?

    When a site is able to find the time to care - IndieWire for one - things are always better. But the volume of comments that are legitimate to the ones that are either spam or trolls is usually so low, at least in my experience, that it's a wonder anyone still has comment sections or worse yet, bulletin boards where trolling and flaming reigns.

    I also have to agree with MetArtScroll - I worry about being held accountable for something stupid, or even libelous, that a commenter might post, even though I have limited control over it. With more and more courts shoving their heads up their asses and allowing people to blame the messenger and not the actual message writer, I don't want to have to deal with that as well.

    Just my two cents...
  • Jun 19th, 2015 @ 2:25pm

    (untitled comment)

    In regards to the smaller IMAX theaters that are now claiming to be full IMAX theaters in most IMAX installations in multiplexes that are not large enough to incorporate true IMAX...we officially named them "FauxMax" theatres back in...oh, I don't know...2007 or 2008...we refer to this type of IMAX set up on our website and podcasts. We always feel that the attempt to make US feel that this is a TRUE IMAX experience is appreciated, if a bit misguided...after all the Boston area has three TRUE IMAX theaters and one OMNIMAX theater. IF we want a REAL IMAX experience, we'll go to a REAL IMAX theatre. And besides, the new XS theaters that the Showcase chain is rolling out is much better than the FauxMax - Faux IMAX - experience...and oh, by the way, the term "FauxMAX" may be freely used by anyone EXCEPT lawyers and executive corporate monkeys from the IMAX corporation because, oh I don't know...REASONS....

    Honestly, this shit is just getting RIDICULOUS...

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