Pwdrskir’s Techdirt Profile
About Pwdrskir
Grew up skiing ridiculous powder, now, working too hard. Skiing powder is a way of life. Nikola Tesla, the Wright Brothers, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are all products of the creative destruction of Capitalism. Greed is Good, true competition fosters change, unlike central planning Govt pukes who take bribes to slant the playing field. "You have to be run by ideas, not hierarchy. The best ideas have to win." � Steve Jobs (Strong believer in Capitalism).
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Govt is Non-Essentials over Essential is glitchy, shoddy and unacceptable - the American Taxpayers should demand a refund.
The DMV is an obvious Govt shit-storm, but the one that is disgraceful - NPR gets funded while soldiers killed in the line of duty and their widows get the shaft.
Re: Wolf meet Hen...
Wolf meet Hen...
Who's to stop the Govt from illegally spying on us?
"William Binney, a former official with the National Security Agency, recently said that domestic surveillance in the U.S. has increased under President Obama, and trillions of phone calls, emails and other messages sent by U.S. citizens have been intercepted by the government."
"In the closing lines of a documentary by Laura Poitas, Binney notes that just because 'we call ourselves a democracy, it doesn�t mean we will stay that way.' The real problem, he says, is that 'people may have nothing to say about it� we haven�t had anything to say so far.'�
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Capitalism vs Central Planning
Govt policies create Monopolies by removing competition.
Cable providers
Re: Re: Re: Absolutely Wrong
Data Dump
Professional Unions
The TechDirt article posted by Joseph Weisenthal back in May of 2007 was full of foresight.
�As the share of our GDP that goes to things like healthcare and legal services continues to climb, the market will inevitably produce new technologies designed to automate the tasks of highly paid practitioners .�
�As such, groups like the AMA and the Bar will increasingly find themselves standing athwart these technologies, and other low-cost solutions in the interest of their membership, just as a union would in the face of similar conditions. Let me state at the outset that this basic idea isn't a new one. The famous economist Milton Friedman was hated by the AMA for arguing that the control it exerted over the medical industry was preventing patients from getting low-cost care.� century.shtml
JSTOR hypocracy
JSTOR founded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation with a broad mission to help the academic community take advantage of advances in new technologies.
JSTOR launches a pioneering shared online library of high quality digitized journal back issues to help academic institutions save costs associated with the preservation and storage of library materials and to improve access to scholarship.
Re: Re: Re: Just a sidenote
Re: Re: Re: Just a sidenote
From Websters: Media - a singular or plural in construction : MASS MEDIA
b plural : members of the mass media
Re: Just a sidenote
Media's main purpose, which they have abandoned, is to apply healthy skepticism TO ALL to bring out the truth, just like scientists that use the scientific method.
Overreaction Damage
The (anti)Patriot Act
2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with the indefinite detention bill embedded?
CalPERS is goin' down...
Kevin Williamson wrote �GASBombed, The accounting-standards board is about to nuke state and local budgets � and it�s about time.� May 15, 2012
Excerpt from article:
�CalPERS, the gargantuan California public-sector pension system, managed to avoid making adequate pension contributions for years by convincing the state legislature (which was only too willing to be convinced) that the Dow would hit 25,000 in 2009. (It didn�t. And it also may not hit 28,000,000 by 2099, as CalPERS predicted.) The legislature used those numbers to justify an enormous increase in pension benefits for California�s public-sector parasites, at a theoretical cost of $0.00: �No increase over current employer contributions is needed for these benefit improvements,� the fairy tale went. Those who want a stronger government whip hand over the investment industry should consider how governments act when they are investors.�
Work vs Leeching
Any dumbass can sit around and file some vaguely worded idea that some dumbass at the patent office will approve. To actually make ideas work is what takes the talent. There are hundreds of patents that exist only because they were filed first, they were not put into production AND work first.
Life of ???
Orwellian moves by UK
He held particular contempt for factions within the govt who were not answerable to the people and not subject to scrutiny or Parliamentary debate (Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Plenty & Ministry of Love).
The UK is clearly moving down the 1984 path by using the likes of �The Business Secretary� to propose �to draw up any future laws affecting exceptions to copyright and rights in performances in the form of new regulations� & ��(new regulations) would not be subject to committee scrutiny or Parliamentary debate and may not even require to be voted on by each House.� ut-full-parliamentary-scrutiny/
Stolen Authority
Congress, our elected officials who are �accountable� ;-) to the voters (see SOPA), are the de facto trustees of the Internet since it is WE THE PEOPLE�s Internet. I want to be able to call my Congressional offices and hold THEM accountable, I can�t do that with the FCC.
Bill for the Users
Rep. Chaffetz sounds like the kind of guy that would a least get the bill some press, that's all it took for SOPA to get pulled.
Absolutely Wrong
�Because an "absolute right" is a very dangerous thing.� Reply �I wouldn't say dangerous, I would say impossible.�
Regardless if you believe in a Creator or not, why do you think an "absolute right" must be written? A Natural Right is an Absolute Right. A Legal Right is something that Govt can strip away if they see fit.
Barring any violations by a person,
Isn't the right to live an absolute right? Or can Govt just remove one�s life when they see fit as G. Bernard Shaw argued?
Isn't the right to liberty an absolute right? Or can Govt lock up people up on a Robespierre whim?
Balance that on your pin head.
America's defense of Absolute Rights
Regardless if you believe in a Creator or not, why do you think an "absolute right" has to be written? A Natural Right is an Absolute Right vs a Legal Right that Govt can strip away if they see fit.
Isn't the right to live an absolute right?
Isn't the right to liberty an absolute right?
Your thinking process regarding rights is dangerous to others.