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  • Jan 22nd, 2011 @ 11:47pm

    (untitled comment)

    Here is the way I feel about consumerafairs.com The business that they allow to get slandered should be allowed to respond to the allegations that they allow posted on their site. I personally own a used car dealership which has 3 horrible sounding allegations and if you just read the articles and don't know the other-side I do look bad. But here is the truth all 3 persons that complained about me got angry because I repossessed the car after they defaulted in making payments on the car they financed thru me. 2 of them never even made the 1st payment and drove the car for a year before I was able to find the car. I did have to lie to one of them to make him believe I will pay him money if he returns the car. Is lying bad if someone stole your property and your just trying to get it back? These people stole cars from me with a legal loophole (since police will not get involved in a automobile finance gone bad)and drove them for 6-12 months without ever making any payments or even try to make a payment. Now they are angry cause I outsmarted them and repossessed the car finaly. Should the public be allowed to know the whole story if we are going to hang the business for something they supposedly did?

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