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  • Oct 25th, 2011 @ 2:56pm

    vaudville, silents, talkies, tv,cable,internet.

    While live theater is still very much alive and well, vaudeville was killed by the silent pictures. they had a run of about twenty years. the silent pictures were king for about twenty years until talkies. Talkies were king for twenty years until TV. Broadcast tv was king until cable came along (you know it's true, the cable stations are what hurt broadcast tv). About twenty years later, along comes the internet. Efforts to forestall were more successful with the internet because there was a great deal more inbreeding among the corporations, so they were able to stall, but not kill the internet. Talkies, TV, and live theater are all still here and thriving, but vaudeville is dead. I believe we perhaps start to focus on product and not divine rights in the entertainment industry. Or else bring back vaudevill and let us see those wrestling bears again.
  • Oct 3rd, 2011 @ 6:19am

    Puppet Presidents are all the same.

    How obvious it is that Obama is as much a puppet President as George W. Bush and has no intention of doing anything differently than the things that the corporate puppeteers call for. not only did he not wind down the illegal wars, he has increased them. He moved to protect the big money interests with the bailout and then spent half his time in office establishing the new laws that will take away more of our freedoms, all the while smiling and chanting 'yes we can'. what that means is that, 'yes, the corporate puppeteers can do what ever they like and the american middle will be left with the bill. Ron Paul for President in 2012. Throw the puppets out.

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