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  • Feb 24th, 2010 @ 9:45am


    Apparently, this old lady never heard of a band called Metallica...and how efficiently and effectively they discharged a large-caliber round through their collective foot. Interestingly, I'd never heard of this woman, so publicity has been effectively generated. Unfortunately (for her) it is very negative, and guarantees that I will never explore any of her works at any time. I certainly won't be giving her any money.

    It's called 'greed' old lady. Some call it 'killing the golden goose'. I'd say that any washed-up old singer would be tickled pink and purple to have their songs pirated. It would at least be getting them some attention, perhaps even connecting with a new generation. Supporting it or laughing it off would definitely go a long way to help this. Railing against it? Well, you're about to find out what that'll do.

    Say 'hi' to Lars when you go for your next unemployment check?

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