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  • Apr 5th, 2020 @ 1:47am

    Re: RE: Pinellas County gang stalking

    On March 30, 2019, a ”Rog S” posted a hyperbolic, anonymous comment about me (Richard Griesinger) under his/her/their heading “RE Pinellas County gang stalking.” I contend that corrupt persons associated with the U.S. law enforcement/intelligence/private contractor community (including “Rog S”) have flooded the internet with hyperbolic posts, websites, and online articles about organized harassment, including gangstalking, to confuse the public about the actual harassment which they, and other people and entities on their behalf, have committed. Edward Snowden released top secret PowerPoint slides, prepared by the British equivalent of the NSA, showing that Western intelligence agencies have tools to flood the internet with disinformation.

    Below is “Rog S”’s post about me (in << >>’s, with my comments in brackets). The post was typical of the online writings about me and about organized harassment generally - mixing true facts about harassment (which I know of firsthand) with exaggerated and false facts --

    << Rog S., 30 Mar 2019 @ 12:03pm [my comment - The identity of “Rog S” - the person, persons, and/or agency which created the post - was anonymous, of course]. RE: Pinellas County gang stalking. The most widely publicized account [my comment - I don’t know if my websites about the harassment campaign in Pinellas County, Florida and in the two foreign cities where I have lived (Chiang Mai, Thailand and Phnom Penh, Cambodia), are “widely publicized.” The traffic of my websites may be reduced or blocked, I don’t know.] of how Fusion Centers [my comment - My websites do not focus on “Fusion Centers” and, in fact, barely discuss them.] in that area work with police and sherrifs [my comment - Disinformation posts and articles online about me and about gangstalking typically have included several obvious misspellings (e.g., “sherrifs”)] is that of former attorney Richard Griesinger, a former Pinellas Cty insider [my comment - The use of the term “insider” was odd] who was gangstalked [[my comment - The extensive campaign against me in Pinellas County, Florida from 2008/2009 through 2014) included - (1) systematic harassment by corrupt members of local law enforcement, and later by members of other local agencies; (2) the hacking of my law office's internet access, and other financial disruption requiring me to close my established law office in 2012; (3) the hacking of my personal internet access, e.g., my iphone, laptop, and my email accounts, to harass me (which continues); (4) the secret smear of my being a pedophile and child molester (discussed in my websites, which continues); (5) subtle psychological harassment (gangstalking) by people in public places, which I referred to as “psychological lynching” in my FBI complaint (filed with the FBI’s Clearwater, Florida office in May 2013) before I researched gangstalking (which continues); (6) junk email ads, somehow sent to me, which were relevant to my situation, to subtly harass me (which continues. Dr. Michelle Zetoony of Pinellas County agreed in my secret recording of her. Also, businessman Philip Kerr wrote of identical harassment by England’s intelligence agency MI5); and (7) threats of selective enforcement and disability (which continues)] by those pigs [my comment - My websites do not use language such as “pigs” to refer to law enforcement officers. Rather, I have used the phrase “corrupt members of law enforcement.”] : [my comment - “Rog S” did not correctly state my website’s url which is www.fbi-gangstalking-richardgriesinger. com. The title of my website is “Does the FBI Investigate Gangstalking (Organized Harassment)?” The answer is no. As expected, neither the FBI or the Justice Department investigated my detailed, documented 2013 FBI complaint]. Onlune activity was monitored, [my comment - I knowingly authorized law enforcement to monitor my computer when I signed up to be a Big Brother], slander was waged, [my comment - Yes. Secret “slander was waged” (and continues to be waged) against me that I am a pedophile. I have never been able to confront my secret accusers.] and like we see now, those pugs blur lines between public/private/first amendment/community standards/entrapment/etc, [my comment - The above words, separated by forward slashes, may have been used to mimic my use of the phrase “U.S. law enforcement/intelligence/private contractor community,” I don’t know. The use of the term “community standards” was misplaced. The term has nothing to do with one’s private viewing of pornography or private chats online. The use of the term “entrapment” was also misplaced. I was not entrapped into anything]. only AFTER using Fusion Centers to monitor political and personal adversaries. >> [my comment - Yes. I was a “personal adversary” of a top police officer in Pinellas County, Florida. “Rog S”’s community/agency knew full well that I dated the divorcing, later ex-wife (Jennifer Brunner), of the fourth highest member of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office (Major Kirk Brunner, now retired) for years from 2003 until 2011. I was her original divorce attorney and a neighbor].

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