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  • Sep 3rd, 2013 @ 5:24pm

    Re: AC

    ...or you could go into the next frontier....thinking....
  • Sep 3rd, 2013 @ 5:16pm

    NSA 2016

    Ya know.... with the �war on terror� now in, what , it's 11th years and we only thwarted 54 terrorist plots, I am not feeling real safe... thats less than 5 per year. We need to get this war in high gear so it can function as it was planned. I have some ideas:
    Lets all vote en masse for the �Alexander/Clapper� ticket in 2016. A landslide vote would give them the mandate they need to get this going in the right direction. The first order of business after they are inaugurated would be the following:
    1) pass the �Patriot Act� as a constitutional amendment with explicit wording to allow it to supersede any other amendment, or the constitution itself, if needed. To make this amendment as transparent as possible it should have a disclaimer (in micro-print) that states �we reserve the right to interpret this law, and all other laws, as we see fit without prior notice�... (of course with more legalese than suggested here).
    2) Squash these �homegrown terrorist� that would snuff out your entire family in the blink of an eye by giving the ATF the ability to hire.... say, 1 million Democrats to go house-to-house and confiscate weapons.
    3) The confiscated weapons (especially the assault rifles) should be given to local police forces to arm them to the teeth,... just in case!! ...Of course the donated weapons couldnt be used against innocent citizens, only �targets� as defined by the �Patriot Act Amendment� (see above).
    It makes me feel safer just thinking about it! We should be able to go from less than 5 thwarted terrorist plot per year to maybe over, say 2,776 in the first year alone.

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