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  • Feb 5th, 2022 @ 7:53pm

    Privacy the Euphemism; The Myth, the Legend

    Took me a couple days to read all those comments... shew... I mean sheeew again... and shew one more time. How many of us TI's are there out here anyway. The Government is coming out of the closet, or trying to, with their gang stalking crews where government has outsourced their financial interests to private whordom industries where just as in the use of Blackwater in regards to military interests with duty they are detached from the legal and financial ramifications of their nefarious activities. Our privacy is being invaded through the proliferation of IOT, our technology, it's so industrialized to add easedripping technology where companies can hear and see everything so how do they tell the we the people about all they have been seeing? Child pornography is a crime and our federal government and private hired industry has been viewing a culture of it so vast it has become part of what they need to stop. The dark web designed for military communication turned into a criminal mind proliferation because when the government started monitoring all our private spaces they discovered a world of crime and sin at an unbelievable order of magnitude immediately becoming an auxiliary to the crimes being that they themselves have no right to our privacy. So a subculture is born and under the veil of the public unaware this whoredom of crime and sin grows and grows and advances the technology until they are stealing the intellectual property of TI's and there is an army of confuscators to turn those of us unaware our privacy is gone into propagandists and psychopaths while they try to indoctrinate the majority into accepting this new path the new world order where TI's are tested and accepted or eliminated as they are rejected. Funny how the views in reply of those who are obviously not experienced as TI's are telling their views from an anonymous source??? Because they are indoctrinated and part of the propaganda spreading lies for us who are being targeted and abused because we won't get in line with giving up our privacy so the whoredom can grow into a majority and be accepted by the world. Remember they are a subculture with access to advanced technology way beyond the public sector so they have a technological superiority allowing them to remain undetected. That being said they are also all victims of abuse and neglect shoved into places like "sexually abused" "neglected" "infected" so the crew they form is a family of sorts they have commonalities which build a comradery but there are stigmas they can't get rid of because of their sort. The "bully" mentality is part of their credo to indoctrinate newcomers into a broken group and every new member is hope they will be accepted and the world will eventually accept them. They no longer understand privacy and love for it was stolen from them also. This is why we must stand up to it all as the remaining few left, we have to stand up to show them the direction they are headed is an end abrupt. We have to turn them around and change their mind to walk a different walk sing a different tune, bring the love and compassion back and to not give up on what they have so unfairly lost.

  • Feb 5th, 2022 @ 7:21pm

    Privacy the Euphemism; The Myth, the Legend

    The NSA sees all traffic, ALL of it. You lock it with a key and the key is bounced around to unlock the data so you jump on the key and hack it for ID and wala there is an email anonemail@gamil in the package with the key then you follow the package back to the packet maker who's got the same ID anonemail@gamil and there's your cracker with the jacker putting the sex trafficked smut in an IP hut filling the internet with a johns porn while the NSA watches him cypher it all and picks it up and sends it down the dark web hall for sale at the anonymous mall. So there's the victim a targeted individual getting sex trafficked by both the gangstalker and the government because remember the "government" is just a bunch of "people" and yes even the hacks were once government pacts. It's sad enough when adults are TI's but when they TI the children it's suprasad and I can't imagine people will not stand up to laws which fail, fail, fail and I mean at the local level with the police, the county level at the courts, the state level without due process because of snuffed out appeals, and the federal level by not doing anything put passing laws which are not administrated by law judges but still pay all their bills with tax payer deals. There was a guy I don't recall who studied for decades to track where a tax dollar goes and it is so convoluted the result was a work of art and told a story which everyone should know that taxation without representation allows money to be blow, blown, blowed. Pay less and do more the sex trafficking industry is making over 300,000,000 yes that's billion dollars and that's why they make laws because they want some of that money so their six figure salary can be one figure more. A law is only as good as the citizen who makes sure it's enforced and tell the judge then he pays people to laugh in your face. #stopsextrafficking

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