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  • May 22nd, 2020 @ 4:49pm

    Re: Re: Re: Don't minimize the problems

    You might be right on both points, in practice. I tried to look up the virus test accuracy and with a know virus sample it is 85-95% but I have also heard that in practice the virus is not always immediately detected and a test might need to be repeated which supports your point.
    In terms of the test availability, if we don't have enough but the best investment we can make is in that capacity. I hope we do it. I don't think we should undermine good efforts because other things are not happening well. We need to address the defects and move forward on all fronts.

  • May 21st, 2020 @ 11:03am

    Re: Don't minimize the problems

    It's a hassle to get more tests but it means that people can go on with their lives and the disease is controlled - that's awesome. That saves a lot of people terrible pain and trouble.

    The point is that we need to make testing easy to get and then if you get an alert, retest. That's it.

    As time goes on, we get less and less alerts, with data we solved the pandemic and grandma doesn't have to die for a hug.

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