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  • Oct 17th, 2010 @ 7:58pm

    Re: Re: Individual Creators Need Protection

    Ref: your "copyright alternatives" link ... Creative Commons is a brilliant idea. It's a great way to enable giving away copyrighted creative works under an easy, legitimate license ... a far better option than stealing. Alas, "free" is not a viable business model for everyone.

    Copyright is interesting in that it protects everyone. Even the scribbling of a 3 year old child is instantly a copyrighted work upon creation. Copyright is the core defense that creators have against big bullies. And although individual law suits are one option, wouldn't it be great if there were some middle ground between all these extremes?
  • Oct 17th, 2010 @ 7:09pm

    Re: Re: Individual Creators Need Protection

    Hey nasch, thanks for the fix. I especially appreciate your warmth and compassion. Feels like your day job must be with a credit card company.
  • Oct 16th, 2010 @ 4:07pm

    Individual Creators Need Protection

    Missing from most debates about IP and copyright is the plight of the individual creator. The income of a quarter million professional photographers has been decimated by rampant online theft of their photos. Combined with illustrators, artists and other creators, a lot of lives are at stake. Creativity will be hurt and the world a sadder place if the individual creator is not defended.


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