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  • Sep 25th, 2011 @ 2:56pm

    Corrupt so-called Human Rights workers.

    Dear John,

    I just posted this to your mentor. Do you have an opinion on who is watching the Human Rights watchers in Ireland?

    Dear Daithi,

    PILA and FLAC and the so-called enlightened lawyers in Ireland are taking all Human Rights workers in the UK and the world for a ride. They cover up the corruption of SIPTU, which as you well know was once great Trade Union, founded by Jim Larkin, then named ITGWU.
    No solicitor in Dublin or Human Rights body will give me a solicitor to sue Jack O�Connor, the president of SIPTU for covering up corruption. I have documentary proof that the Belfast Union officials were corrupted by the employers and persecuted, sacked and drove to their deaths Belfast Dockers by ordering them to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money. See video on
    At a Transparency International conference held to publicise their whistle blowers initiative, I questioned the chairman, Fintan O�Toole, and outlined that I was a whistle blower on a trade union whose officials had been corrupted and were in the pay of employers � and who had sacked me because I wouldn�t discharge Asbestos without protection. [O'Toole knew all of this as I've been writing to him at The Irish Times for years]. I then asked O�Toole on why neither he nor his paper will report on Belfast Dockers dying from Asbestosis? After a period of silence he muttered something about the Defamation Laws and called for the next speaker. Many whistle blowers weren�t happy with his answers and his attempt to shut me up, told him so but he refused to discuss it further.
    John Davitt of TI intervened and stated that �this was neither the time nor the place to raise this, but that I could speak to him later over a coffee�. I strongly disagreed as did the audience of whistle-blowers but to no avail. However over the course of the meeting which was held in Boswell�s Hotell, Davitt asked many times for people to moderate their language as the event was being recorded and would be posted on their website. However, my questioning of O�Toole, the whistle-blowers disatsifaction and Davitt�s cronyism towards O�Toole was cut from the recording that was posted. SOME TRANSPARENCY.
    Two days later at a conference on changes to the Defamation Laws, and attended by the creame de la creame of Dublin legal minds which had High Court Judge Peter Kelly hosting the Q&A session, I was the first speaker. You could have heard a pin drop when I said: �I tried to get myself sued for defamation by telling the truth�. I told in detail of the corruption at Belfast Docks and of my accusing Jack O�Connor many times of being corrupt and of covering up corruption � and of his promise to �sue the arse of me�, but, much to my disapointment that he�d had a change of mind when his Belfast solicitor John O�Neill of Thompson McClures informed him that what I said about his Union was indeed true.
    To be fair Judge Peter Kelly gave me a lot of leeway, then he interupted asking, �Do you have a question for the panel�? I replied I did, and it was for Geraldine Kennedy, who was then editor of Irish Times. I asked her the same question I�d asked Fintan O�Toole two days previously � �why will you nor Irish Times report on the Dying Belfast Dockers�. She was dumbfounded and silence descended on the hall. Foolishly, instead of letting her stew I gave her an out by telling what had happened with Fintan O�Toole. She replied: �I haven�t seen or spoken to Fintan and cannot comment until I have, but, we must always remain within the law.
    Daithi, why will no-one from the pantheon of highly educated Human Rights Greats in Dublin and Belfast revel why Human Rights are denied to ex Belfast Dockers? For the life of me this is something I cannot understand.
    Monica McWilliams when still with NIHRC would not investigate Belfast Dockers dying from Asbestosis � INCREDULOUSLY , she said: �because the Trade Union which ordered them to discharge this deadly material without protection � was and still is based in Dublin�. AND to add insult to injury, Maurice Manning of the IHRC would not investigate because � LUDICROUSLY, he says that �the matters complained happened in NI which is outside the jurisdiction of IHRC�. Anyone with half an eye can see that another agenda is at work here.

    Daithi, lets here you comment on this corruption � after you�ve checked it out of course � OR are you as deaf, dumb and blind as Michael Farrell, the above mentioned, Noeline Blackwell and a host of other Human Rights pretenders.

    Hugh Murphy �


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