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  • Mar 27th, 2020 @ 11:47pm

    Why should it be unconstitutional for the FBI to use technology

    I doubt he has a case, but following/watching is passive observation and the tracker manipulates private property, and I believe the latter is more severe. What if they installed a laser tripwire, without a warrant, across someone's property to measure when they come and go? If both endpoints are on public property, it seems reasonable. It's just a passive observation from public property. But installing it right on their doorstep? Inside the house's threshold? Or on every doorway in the house? In that progression, there's clearly a point where it is no longer constitutional without a warrant. Using an equivalence with the practical result - determining when people come and go - suggests it's OK to install a device on the doorstep, since no extra bits of information are gleaned as opposed to watching from the street. But actually entering property to make modifications is no longer passive, which is where I take issue. After all, I can't paint someone else's garage more tastefully, no matter how ugly it is! I believe the same threshold should apply to your personal car, even though I doubt it does.

    If technology makes passive observation efficient, then that's great. But planting a tracking device on the car is no longer passive observation.

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