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  • Aug 27th, 2009 @ 2:47am


    Serving the public is what you can call it if the public wants to be involved. Newspapers are for profit, like any business they are struggling to stay open. If the area newspapers are willing to print family pictures (sports, newborns, weddings, etc) at no charge "for the public", than why wouldn't they want to contribute (paying for the paper or buying advertisement)towards the cost of operations.

    Makes no sense to me why this comment was even posted. The facts are that newspapers still are the number one source of information. (do your own research)

    Every day, half of all US adults read a local/daily newspaper. Readers value their papers because they're portable, convenient, and offer highly valued information.

    Nevertheless, online is not killing the newspaper world. Online news just don't have the resources to post the close net news that a local newspaper can publish. (don't forget, I wouldn't see my child or wedding annoucements online. If it were I would have most likely PAID for it.)

    SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, it's the right thing to do to keep this world together.

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