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  • Mar 6th, 2015 @ 4:10pm

    Kwame Osei Tutu Esq

    How do I know what your saying is the complete truth and not a scam?
  • Jan 29th, 2015 @ 8:55am

    (untitled comment)

    Hi, we are a family of six..4 children, my husband and I. I am writing in hopes someone might read and hopefully respond. We are in need of help, like many in here I have bad health problems too but my husband and I always somehow try to make ends meet. For almost a year now I have gotten worst but I have managed to smile regardless my operations or surcumstances because I get to be with my kids who I adore. My husband on the other hand has not been able to keep a job because he is constantly driving me or the kids to appointments. No lie I must move to the clinics that's how often these DR's sometimes see me. Well This morning I woke up with hopes and an Idea that might help my family and myself but we need a push. First I will like to ask if there's anyone in Nj Pa or even NY close to these States that has a 7 seater van in good condition and would like to donate it I would Greatly with all my heart n should appreciate it Cuz my van which I used to drive the kids and myself back n forth to the appointments I had to scrap it, to fix it was not worth it too much money. We just couldn't. My second and last petition and Honest is an investment. Its so small that whom ever did it for me would laugh but I'm a genius when it comes to making things and I return what's given to me. I have such a black cloud over my head I'm like at a dead end with no one to help us.But I know that this idea is going to succeed, I just need someone to believe In me Please. Sometimes you can dream, but to see it come forth you gotta make it happen. I trust that someone amazing will read this message. Have a bless day...stay warm :)
  • Dec 14th, 2014 @ 3:49pm

    A family in need of help...this is my story

    I was looking through websites and stumbled into this one. I started to read and like many of those who wrote the story we also are seeking help. As Xmas comes closer my worries becomes stronger. My husband and I have four kids. We both had jobs took care of things till I had a car accident and that change everything. I started to take time off because of Dr.'s appointmens and my husband works construction so it's according to the weather his boss would call him in. I heard my dept was closing and I started to get worried, what where we gonna do with debts, 4 kids car insurances? We got rid of cable and all the goodies and still we had all these outrageous expenses. So a family member suggested we moved to their town because it was much cheaper, schools were nicer, easy finding jobs, I would find doctors who would treat my spine illness, etc. Any good stuff you just want to hear. But the beauty of it all. "We are family and we are here for you"Reality is..that is not always true. Strangers sometimes do more for you than your own family FACT . My husband started to job search and we moved to this town and my health suddenly went down hill. Last year he got hurt at his job and had to get surgery, the got layed off..this year had a second surgery and when he was going into surgery I find out I have to get surgery because I have a tumor in my left arm. Thank God in November 18 that tumor was removed and even tho I have tons of pain is out. Well things for us just don't go well. I feel sometimes it's misfortune.My husband has to drive me all the time to my appointment. I try to make them where its possible so he can keep a job..but where we live at its impossible. I have no family so I have no help. My car took a crap lol. Yes im sorry i have to laugh im so sad my van died. It fit all six of us. Took us every where and the fix was more than what its worth so the mechanic said junk it..but right niw junking it its gonna cost me to tow so when its not one thing is the next.and his is about to. This morning We wentto church because having faith is what keeps us happy and we come home to the apt. Stinking. My fridge is no good all of our food went bad..for the whole month. My Hus and had something lined up for tomorrow but that's not even possible because I have to go to the Dr.s again tomorrow. We have no Xmas gifts nothing. I really feel like selling the second car which we barely fit in but would that be stupid to do I mean I have helped people and we cannot understand why are we at a dead stop. Please help. I can't let my kids go without Xmas. Trust me when I say this we've tried, we are not lazy nor smoochers. Thank you

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