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  • Jan 20th, 2022 @ 9:42am

    Re: FAA Vs. FCC & Airlines

    Another person claiming to have facts and doesn't.....5G is not in the 4.3. Verizon for example is operating 3.7 to 3.98. Don't forget about the guard band. The altimeters are over 4GHz. And yes, Europe is using frequencies of 3.4 to 3.8.

    The rest of your post is just pure political BS. The FAA had 2 years or more to prepare for this and did NOTHING.

  • Jan 20th, 2022 @ 7:35am

    Re: Re: Blowing smoke

    Yeah, while he airlines were over-the-top/theatrical with their claims. Its understandable from this perspective. They follow the guidance of the FAA. They have to. The FAA f'd up royally on this. Because of that, the FAA in trying to play catchup has gave the current instructions grounding or limiting certain plane behaviors. Its very unfortunate because safety is a priority and as another poster talked about "liability", no one wants to be liable if something goes wrong. This all could've been avoided if the FAA had done its job when it was suppose to do it. All of this 5G claims of doom is beyond ridiculous at this point.

  • Jan 20th, 2022 @ 7:31am

    Re: Blowing smoke

    Well, you might want to tell your buddies in the FAA that the next time they are asked to present evidence of their claims, they should do so. The problem here is, they haven't. They've had at a minimum 2 years, possibly more to get their shit together and they have not. What makes it worse if even if what you claim was true, it makes the FAA look even worse for not putting forth the entire swaths of evidence you claim exists when asked to MULTIPLE TIMES.

    Karl was right, the FAA gave instructions. The airlines are screaming....yes, the airlines and CEOs as seen in their signed letters. They follow the instruction of the FAA. So they're upset and its understandable but, they were completely theatrical about it. Again, the fault lays with the FAA. He was also right when he said they had every opportunity to present evidence and they did NOT. The FAA f'd up in a very bad way with gross incompetence.

    Your "know it all" response clearly ignores the fact that both the wireless carriers and FCC, both have experts who understand said things in their respective fields as well. Its very unfortunate you completely dismiss/ignore them while claiming you have all the answers.

    In short, 5G frequencies here in the US are also being used for 5G elsewhere and the damn airlines have had no issues. Couple that with the FAA's inability to put forth evidence refuting the studies/research done by carrier and FCC experts tells a very easy story. The claims of doom are unfounded and that if there was any changes to be made in airline hardware for any reason, the fault then lays with FAA and airlines for not keeping up. They sat on it for 2 years, possibly more and did NOTHING.

  • Dec 31st, 2021 @ 8:59am

    (untitled comment)

    I'm not surprised that the "DISH Network" is faltering. We will end up with 3 major wireless providers and a myriad of MVNOs....some of which will be owned by one of the 3 major yeah. We will continue to get screwed.

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