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  • Aug 18th, 2013 @ 7:28pm

    the future of music business models

    here's to an end to the racketeering cartels that have manipulated and exploited artists since the inception of the 'recording industry'.
    Most readers will probably not remember the reason the Beatles established Apple, or that they had to sue Apple computers (the Beatles won the case) for IP theft.
    As explained to the Luddites centuries ago, tech development is not supposed to kill jobs and enrich only the 'owners' of the new tech, it is supposed to free humans from mindless back breaking labour and a lifetime of servitude to the financial 'masters', who considered themselves an hereditary elite, it was supposed to create new wealth that would elevate the entire society.
    Unfortunately a pack of war criminal scum have hijacked the planet and enriched themselves at the expense, not only of the rest of humanity, but all of the tribes of life, with their zero-sum game philosophy of exploit, enslave and exterminate.
    Here's to a paradigm shift in human consciousness before the exponents of M.A.D.ness (mutually assured destruction) with their 'war on terror' and their 'war on drugs' and their war on the environment in which we all share including those yet unborne, destroy all life on earth.
    Evil is as evil does.
    Artificial entities called govts and corporations are being used by these evil individuals and they are not being held to account for their crimes because of the 'secret police apparatus' which MUST be dismantled and the war criminals prosecuted, their assets stripped, and for them to serve hard labour cleaning up their radioactive messes until they are dead in the way they have so rightly earned!!!
  • Aug 18th, 2013 @ 5:08pm

    Re: And....

    it is the US govt that are the terrorists from our point of view. Terrorists and nazies of the USA war criminal regime with illegal invasions, DU and white phosphorous murders, drone murders, assassination squads, torture as official policy, illegal spying, what is it that americans fail to comprehend about their nation being a psychopathic entity run by international war criminals and thieves? Evil is as evil does, and while it is clear that US citizens are mostly in 'denial' the evidence is overwhelming, 911 was an inside job, the thin aluminium of wingtips will not cut thru the 14 inch thick steel beams surrounding the twin towers creating a 'cardboard cutout' plane shape so the stupid of america will believe there were planes... talk about retards! And now the nation has gone over the edge into butter disaster land... and those americans who failed to stop the criminals are getting the govt and lwas they deserve for not standing against evil when they should, so Corporate Sepuku'shows that not all americans support the evil 'TERROR STATE THAT IS THE USA'!

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