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  • Sep 23rd, 2012 @ 8:37pm

    Greatest Quote Ever

    In the history of Quotes, which I shall shamelessly steal and use:

    "Your stupid scares me."

    Copyright, of course, to . . um . . . um . . er . .

    Anyway, I wish I'd thought of it; it so accurately describes the stupid I've seen altogether too frequently.
  • Jul 26th, 2012 @ 9:32pm

    1 Gbps, Symetrical?

    Symetrical, you say? Do you know what I'd give to have that where I live right now??

    Wait, I can't say that here . . .

    Hum. (Do I feel like moving?)
  • Jul 24th, 2012 @ 2:07pm

    Funniest Techdirt Article Ending, ever.

    "Karpel once represented (no, seriously) a paparazzi photographer beat up by Sean Penn."

    *wipes tears from laughing*
  • Jul 20th, 2012 @ 12:32pm

    I hate stupidity

    I'm either

    1. getting smarter as I get older;
    2. more stupid as I get older;
    3. less patient as I get older;
    4. accepting of less BS as I get older;
    5. All of the above in varying degrees.

    I want to stream content online. I will pay to stream content online. I do have an ethics problem with torrenting.

    Yet, Hollywierd, the MPAA, the RIAA and all the other alphabet soup agencies contrive every excuse in the book to prevent taking my money.

    I remember, being an old broad, how many recording artists were robbed by their labels and how badly James Garner was treated over supposed "zero" profits from years of The Rockford Files, so don't tell me that to some extent that does still not go on.

    The only thing streaming and direct artists sales does to the MPAA and RIAA is keep money out of the hands of the overpaid middlemen and both of those entities are fighting tooth and nail to keep their ludicrous percentages.

    Well, we are not stupid; Mike Masnick is not stupid, and I may not torrent now but if the idiots at the MPAA don't turn their thinking around, The Pirate Bay may just become my new best friend.

    I'm sick and tired of hunting and pecking to find the content I want at a price point that isn't ludicrous without being held hostage to cable tv, for which there is zero competition in my area.

    And don't even mention mailing disks to me: I'm really "over" that.

    Maybe there's an upside to all this: if they put me in jail for Pirating, maybe I can get my medical taken care of.
  • Jul 16th, 2012 @ 9:09am

    Re: Before Who Could Reply?

    Before you could reply? Angry? LMAO! Anything but to have an actual honest, open, and awesome debate with me. Why do you run away every, every, every, every, every, every, EVERY SINGLE TIME? Why won't Mike Masnick actually ever engage a detractor in an actual debate where he addresses the actual points raised? Why? Simple. Because he's manipulative liar who can't defend anything he says. Prove me wrong, Mikey. Prove me wrong. Two years, and you won't even debate me on the merits even once. What does that say about you? Only bad things, Mikey. Only bad things. You're a coward.

    *Sigh* I like to come here to read the intelligent articles and often insightful and hilarious comments.

    And then there's YOU.

    I guess as far as trolls go, you're not bad, because you certainly end up sucking all the air out of this room and I can't believe the intelligent contributors herein continue to fall for your schtick.

    It's old, it's tired, it's lame, and it's the oldest trick in the cyber-world but it sure still works.

    Yep, 12-year old name calling, diatribe, ad hominem attacks, distortion and dodging the point, I think I'd call you the Anonymous Coward Troll.

    What I hate about it is that the conversation strays so far from topic and of course becomes all about you, which is the point of any troll, instead of about the topic.
  • Jul 5th, 2012 @ 5:58pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    lol best time waster I've seen in a month!
  • Jul 1st, 2012 @ 10:44am

    Insightful, Yes; Easy Fix, No

    "The voices of non-American, non-white, non-males are important, but are often being drowned out, and that's something that needs to stop. We don't necessarily do that by "replacing" the white American males, but by understanding how they come to dominate such lists in the first place -- and then tackling that issue.

    I use myself as an example, and even with many strides made in gender equality, there were many instances in professional IT in which I felt absolutely invisible, even among younger co-workers seemingly wholly accepting of females in IT, at least up to a point.

    I found mostly it was a credibility issue: an idea or solution voiced by a female (and not necessarily mine), literally fell on deaf ears until the idea was acknowledged as viable by a male; usually days, if not weeks, later.

    We may allow women and minorities and non-Americans into the workplace but white males still rule the day.

    The sad fact is that the tendency to overlook good ideas from all sources does effect the bottom line in any company; and stifles creativity of the type that encourages more jobs in an industry that sorely needs exactly that sort of creativty
  • Mar 31st, 2012 @ 12:22pm

    Re: Re: Re: Warrentless Searches

    Don't forget the Warrentless searches under the new and improved terrorism laws.
  • Mar 26th, 2012 @ 8:36am

    Will Tumblr's New Terms Of Service Finally Lead To The De-Stupidifying Of Terms Of Service?

    We would. never get that lucky
  • Mar 19th, 2012 @ 6:17pm

    Re: Pirate Radio

    OMG you are absolutely right and I had actually forgotten all about that! LOL, see how well that worked out for the BBC . . . *snorts & chortles*
  • Mar 13th, 2012 @ 6:31pm


    I had trouble with Flickr's DCMA but it was in trying to convince them that someone had violated (stolen) someone else's work where I had no luck. I found the difference in treatment to be, of course, in how much money was donated to the pre-Yahoo people's favorite groups Charities (I am nothing if not thorough). The "artist" who stole the work was, big surprise, a major contributor to a big group's Charity. That was several years ago and occurred about the time Yahoo bought Flickr, but Flickr I understand still tries to solve its own problems (yeah, right). I think today's problems stem from the fact that they don't really understand their own rules or copyright in general; that was the impression I got when I tried to help a friend with stolen work. Of course I decided they were being deliberately stupid just to screw with me. Maybe they still are; they're just screwing with everyone.
  • Mar 10th, 2012 @ 9:30am

    Re: Theatre

    One of the major joys of going to the theatre in fact was hearing a live orchestra and I started to notice about 20 years ago that recorded sound was being used more and more. I understood that what I was seeing was a touring company of the plays, but I lived in one of the largest metro areas of the country (Miami-Fort Lauderdale) and certainly we had sufficiently talented musicians to perform the pieces. As time went on I realized it was simply a matter of money and that I probably wasn't going to be hearing any live orchestras in the future unless I went to New York to see a play. And for this reason, I stopped going to the theatre. Call me a Luddite if you will, but 1/2 the reason I went at all was disappearing.
  • Mar 9th, 2012 @ 10:57am


    The perpetrators need to be pursued under RICO statutes because that's exactly what they're using to defraud the artists of their money. If the artists music is on a server or passes at any point through the USA or its territories, RICO would indeed apply.

    I'm not that smart and I thought of it; why has no one else?
  • Mar 3rd, 2012 @ 9:32am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Response to: DanMitchell on Mar 2nd, 2012 @ 8:00pm

    Best Response, evah!
  • Feb 29th, 2012 @ 4:03pm

    It's ludicrous

    What about the person who contributes to the cable bill but 90% of the time never gets to watch their favorite programs and is forced to download them if those programs are not available for streaming? Having already paid the royalties for those programs, is that person not entitled to view the programs? If the Studios feel they are truly losing money to pirating, then why in the wide world do they not move to an affordable streaming model?? Is it just so they won't have something to whine about or because they don't want to open their books so people will see that they don't really have anything to complain about???
  • Feb 25th, 2012 @ 11:37am

    It's ludicrous

    I worked in a place wherein the original patent was held from well before WWII (in the late 1920's) for several instruments that are vital test equipment for many fields today. This means, effectively, that the copy holders have held these processes without competition for almost 100 years and refuse to license the processes to anyone. The 5th generation lives off the enormous profits and royalties and and are not very sharing, even with employees. While they still run their business in the US (commendable in this day and age), it really makes me wonder if this is misuse or fair use of the policy. I'm not sure I would have wanted my 5th generation progeny to use his/her share of the money my work provided to finance video games, sports cars and a life of leisure.
  • Feb 19th, 2012 @ 12:33pm

    Re: Re: Jobs disappearing

    Tech companies can't seem to leave the US fast enough, in point of fact, and have been doing so since the late 1990's and early 2000's in The Great Outsourcing Game that began in the first 2-3 years of the early 2000's. It's been hardscrabble work to keep a Tech job unless you're in tech security or similar field (especially as you approach age 50, regardless of what you know). At the same time, the US Congress can't seem to stop issuing H1B Visas for Tech workers as they continue pay US workers less and less. Since 1999 I have had more friends lose jobs than gain them, relocate to other states and many go into new careers. One person who even had a patent on a data process ended up becoming a dog walker because she was so fed up with the game. I have written letters and emails and stated your words almost exactly - that the loss of tech jobs not only deprives people of a livelihood, it has the very ripple effect you describe so well: the "Brain Drain. It effects the long-term ability of the US to maintain itself as a technology leader and even a world power. But come election time, people are more interested in . . . other things; social issues, as I'm sure you read about in the press. It's very distressing. It's as if I'm watching Rome burning brightly and no one else seems to even smell smoke.
  • Sep 16th, 2011 @ 5:10pm


    I agree wit you 100%. Hollywood just went from trying to help build a model to putting lots of folks on the "torrent help pages."
  • Sep 16th, 2011 @ 11:22am

    All In All

    I think this is more of a loss for Starz play than for Netflix over the long haul, and this is why: I had reserved several of the "New Releases" from Starz/Netflix in my Instant Queue only to notice that in less than a month, they were gone, unseen, since I don't sit around and watch movies 24/7. What was left in Starz Play was not that great, either. I don't know when Hollywood is going to figure out that they aren't going to stomp out piracy with anything less than fair distribution of product, or at least a different model of distribution, and Starz Play is no longer part of the solution, it's now part of the problem.

    This issue dovetails quite nicely with several articles I've read recently about how similar RL is to The Producers, and how, mysteriously, no one ever makes any money in Hollywood, but somehow all these big budget movies get made, salaries get paid, blablahblahblahalbha.....
  • Aug 24th, 2011 @ 2:36pm

    A++ Trolling

    OMFG Hilarious!

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