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  • Dec 10th, 2018 @ 8:03am

    AT&T has always done this.....

    I used to work at a call centre in Canada. I did tech support for a shipping company, so we had to be nice, and quick. We had to answer a call, by the second ring....

    There was a AT&T WorldNet tech support department, and a "Save Team" in the same building. they were not allowed to answer the phone, till the customer had been on hold for at least 30 minutes!!

    The AT&T "Save Team" needed to offer at least three other products, packages, or services to the customer, before they could cancel anything for the customer. Oh, and they needed to stay on the phone for at least 10 minutes, if they were going to cancel!

    AT&T - They are best..... at..... something!!!
  • Sep 29th, 2016 @ 9:18am

    Just Glad they didn't figure this out sooner...

    Essentially they want to direct bill for time/bandwidth used.

    Meanwhile back in the 80's and 90's before digital cable watching shows all day actually ate up, huge amounts of bandwidth!! They need to go back and show how someone's choice and consumption affected their bottom line!

    They have since then offered enormous upgrades in bandwidth and compression for video offerings, and upgraded the technology to deliver two way communication - the only way they are not making money off of huge upgrades is if they are poorly designing their networks.

    Charging extra to the few who are using more bandwidth - would be like going back to the 80's and changing extra for those who watched TV for 15 to 20 hours a day. Your system should be able to handle it, if not - return the grant money, tax incentives, and other government handouts that pad your bottom line and let those who want to offer service do so. Maybe someone like Google Fibre or Sonic.
  • Jan 11th, 2016 @ 2:22pm

    Laws and Influence....

    The intent of copyright has been perverted.
    We need a reset, all previous law, abolished and thrown out and a new basic 20 year copyright law passed.

    You have 20 years from creation to make your money, no inherited rights to works - only value on current contacts entered into before the death of the creator!

    After 20 years, everything becomes public domain - you want to make a new copyright start - edit it, remix - NEW!!

    Music, movies, books - Oh and keep large corporations out of legislatures. We are in the mess we are in because big money has waxed the ears of politicians to much. Causing them to ignore the cries of those who know better and the public.

    Then again, any government created and run by men, when a small number control a large group with legislation - unfairness will prevail. We just have to try and minimize the number of victims. That though is not currently happening at all - Hollywood is playing a victim - but what do you expect they are good at acting!!
  • Jan 7th, 2016 @ 9:49am

    (untitled comment)

    Difference between Gas and internet Data....

    1) If I buy a gallon or forty, I only have to pay for what I use. I do not pay a flat rate for the month and pay extra for "overages"!

    2) Show me a gas station where you can give fuel back to them to offer elsewhere?

    3) Gas is finite, every gallon in the station, is a gallon out - data is copy-able, if you have a really good cache, certain website (Windows update, popular Netflix movies, and such - cost you no extra bandwidth)

    4) You cannot cover yourself in Internet and set yourself on fire in protest to stupid company comparisons, trying to justify gouging customers while doing diddly to upgrade service significantly!!

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