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  • Feb 20th, 2022 @ 9:08pm

    Re: Same Happened To me except No crime !

    any civil rights lawyers please comment info

  • Feb 20th, 2022 @ 9:05pm

    Same Happened To me except No crime !

    During the Lockdown i was displaced . Personal reasons so i was staying at the Sheraton in bloomington 4/2/20 . Downstairs stress smokin plus i leave my beverages in the cold car . So i see an unmarked and in my mind im like Oh God . then i decided let me just be nice and ya know basically violate my own rights and explain my adult self in my car smoking . so i do quick blah blah about covid smokes blah and he leaves . 3 days later i get a cheaper room at the hilton . about midnight smokin by my car . ( in my white air force veteran husbands name ikr oooh suspicious 🙄) Anywho i see him again i say immediately i know he’s not coming to me we already discussed im here from iowa and im a smoker and not to mention the lit cigarette in my mouth . i just know he’s not coming over here . he legit parks right behind my car and blocks me in . i get out and he says whay ya doin down here ? i hold up my smoke ! he says noo i saw you down there and now you’re here . im just looking dumb ? huh ? he says who’s car is this ? umm im not comfortable with that he then says do you have a room ? well of course i do i got better places to smoke besides hotel parking lots .
    ask mh room # and my ID i denied Both and locked mh doors went to my room . Another unmarked pulls up they sit opposite trying go figure a way to screw me . i come down to go to the store cux again im not scared i’m a law abiding tax paying citzen ! i see the two officers like more than an hour still there ( intimidation ) idc i jump in my car . seat belt ! grab all my legal documents because i just know they’re gonna pull me over .
    they legit went in the hilton got my info and wrote a driving without a license ticket and put it on my car ! lol the gag is i’ve been licensed out of state since 08 ! i immediately call the seargent same day about noon because this happened between 2-4 am . i give him my license # his entire tone changed . apologies and promised to pull it !! he didn’t and let it go through driving privileges suspended unbeknownst to me . i request court dates and it’s all dismissed immediately reinstated .
    Funny thing is my first court date was 5/29 the person was like a mediator so she couldn’t dismiss it . peculiarly 6/7 a warrant was put out for my arrest for court date i attended during lockdown . granted the fine wasn’t paid but a warrant ? especially after a pandemic weird not to mention the judge signed off on missed court not missed fine . and 7/30 a judge dismissed it in full . 8/1 im hawked down under the guise of a wellness call to one location which i since moved so that should mean im ok right ? lol they creep up and ask me am i ok ? yes im fine shoulda been the end right ? no crime ? nope they run my plates and arrest me on said warrant ! at first i thought i was paranoid these counties are like an hour away it’s no way right ? well until i got the arest paper and the officer not only Omitted the fact they searched my breast in front of men after i pleaded for privacy since i am a victim of sexual assault they denied that and totally violated me . i wasn’t sure if that was protocol until the officer not only OMITTED touching my breast in plain view of males Never mention breast one time and not only that Lies and changed breast to hand ! you can’t tell me this isn’t retaliation as if i had a choice im not keeping suspended license because you lied and not to mention i gave you a chance to fix it and you didn’t !
    i’m suing Bloomington Pd The officer and the sear gent and most of all the hilton ! you gave my private into for a traffic ticket !
    all because i excersized my constitutional right and didn’t awnser questions if his sole worry was did i have a room me going to it should have been enough proof ! he tried to find something and when he didn’t he grasped at straws and gave a traffic ticket ! I left minnesota at 18 and got my license out of state is reasons why he thought i didn’t have one lol oops got CAUGHT !!!! i’m so glad i found this forum ! and i’m legit going to have the retaliatory behavior investigated to the fullest extent of the law ! they claim they sent stuff umm never got it My address on my license is the home my husband owns so it’s active . not to mention woodbury gave me a seatbelt ticket so license info was entered then ! so i’m going to find out cux it’s pretty peculiar i get a warrant 7 days after i expose this for a case petty misdemeanor which was dismissed but a fine that dates 5/20/20
    also i lived in a washington county shelter same county for warrant so it wasn’t hard to notify me . And if they’re involved they’re getting sued too . waiting on that case until i see how the prosecutor handles it . blatant lies . hand and breast are nowhere near close . and if it was ok to go in my breast why didn’t you mention it ?? and jus so happens a week after exposing it a warrant and case dismissed on friday hunted down and plates ran when i was not pulled over some bs wellness check and i’m arrayed that sunday !! yea im going to find out the truth !!!!

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