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About Louis SmithCTO/VP of Technology Innovation; instrument (read that: weapon) of change in IT organizations. Biker, RV'r, pilot, and total geek. Lover of steampunk - I have my server rack installed in an antique glass-door french armoire. Mentor technologists who are starting out; frighten those who need it. |
Another movie reference...
You forget what is being "stolen"
Since not enough support was gained for propping up that model, then the obvious warpath is to prove that EVERY instance of copying is a THEFT so that THEFT obviously must be stopped. Yeah. That'll happen. That'll fix it./div>
Let's help TSA make it better
All they need to do is to direct their HR department to hire all new inspectors. Go to Hooters, Cheetah Club, Gold Rush - and for the ladies - Chippendales and Harlequin to find new TSA agents. There isn't a man alive that wouldn't gladly volunteer to be patted down during a lap dance or by a totally qualified Hooters girl. And the women would be lining up for their Chippendale dancer or Harlequin cover model. The only complaints would be the length of the line to get to the inspectors! And if TSA is short on funds, they can start charging for the "service".
Approach and Attitude - makes all the difference./div>
An entire sports empire is based upon modding that which you legally purchased.
How much of the PC industry is based upon "modding"???? Isn't upgrading to the newest NVIDIA card Modding? How about putting in a bigger hard drive? How about buying a PC/laptop with a sticker on it and marketing drivel about "ready for the next O/S that MS puts out!". Isn't that modding? Oh wait - that would be "contributory" modding - trying to convince us to make the change so we are guilty.
Every day, with every one of these lawsuits - Shakespear's quote is more relevant./div>
Re: Re: When the Prior Art is in a book....
When the Prior Art is in a book....
These patents need to be thrown out - along with the examiner who approved them, the people doing the suing, and all the lawyers - preferably from a very high window.
Somebody being sued needs to take that book to court with them to show how invalid the patents are./div>
Legal T-Shirt for Contest
This shirt is a tribute to my favorite movie.
However, due to copyrights and
aggressive lawyers, I cannot say
anything about the move, its characters,
locations, props, common terms, or
even tell you what genre of movie it
is as I might get sued by somebody
for something. This shirt in no way
infringes on anyone's copyright for anything./div>
Legal T-Shirt for Contest
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