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  • Dec 9th, 2011 @ 8:54am

    Re: 3:1 odds

    I have a problem with Terry Hart's analysis. He claims that the only thing being confiscated is a Domain Name and that the content is not being restricted. As technically true as it is that all you're doing is changing the IP address a single record in a single database the actual effect of such a change on a site like rojadirecta is tantamount to putting police tape around a kid's toys store and posting a sign saying we suspect the owners are pedophiles because a pedophile lives within 50 miles and children frequent the store.

    I think this is the huge problem with the SOPA/PIPA laws and the people enforcing online IP laws. They don't truely understand what is involved with the technology and it's effect on people's lives. For every piracy site that will be taken down there will be dozens of skin-of-their-teeth small businesses that will be devastated by overly strict review of facts.

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