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  • Aug 3rd, 2009 @ 4:55pm

    Delivery of Music

    Surely the format of music has changed since the inception of the phonograph to the CD age, where it has almost disappear in itself to now where music is delivered via a wire to a tin box we all call either a laptop, P.C., MAC or a cell phone. What these digital enthusiast do not realize is how the same technology that has allowed music to be delivered instantaneously anywhere has also change the signature of it in the process. This technology age of the super computer has replaced the vital circuitry that once used to bring the artist to his musical instruments, gadgets and recording equipment. Now has disappear to virtually a single piece of all-in-wonder super computer that provides everything the artist needs to a touch of button (well technically will admit to the use of the mouse and a shift and toggle if the user is a savvy one). This ability has seriously change the signature of music composing and how it's made. With the essence of the musician seeking ways to create the sound he is looking for with the tweaking of different instruments, gadgets and a sound board, now he has a data bank, which gives him a basic or raw sound that he is seeking to create. A little tweaking with the mouse, presto! Ah-la! He has created a sound that came from a single piece of music generator. This music technology has changed every form of modern music along with the artist that creates it. This in turn has changed the musical outlets that once served the demanding public, which used to be the vital indicators of a "hit" or not. Sales pushed the foundations of an artist to succeed to the next level or remain as a one hit wonder. Before C&C Music Factory was even a concept, Robert Civiles used to be employed a record store at a now defunct infamous store called Downtown Records in NYC that has long been gone. I remember going there at an early of 15 years old. He gained the ability to interact with the music enthusiasts along with them seeking his guidance to know what records were "hot" at the time. I am sure this interaction along his already out productions under different monikers with partner David Coles led to their creation of C&C Music Factory hits. This valuable interaction, which Robert Civiles gained from working at a record store, now has long been gone from the artist and their audience. Not every artist is a d.j. or record store employee, but with sales being indicator of an artist success, we have the technology & technology seekers destroying the vital essence of what once was! No more originality in the music of today, it's just a P.C. "spiting song after song" through the creation the artist and those seek it to download it free. Now the dilemma get worst, these former record stores turn into communal gathering place have to sell items, which reflects the artist image either being a t-shirt or an item, no longer reflects the music they have created, which essentially is what a record store used to only sell. Minus those 70's & 80's record stores that sold disco balls and strobe lights along with your Fran'ken & Muir. The delivery of music has been left to a wire (or wireless depending on how your connected to the World Wide Web) and a metal gadget with who seek it.

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