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  • May 19th, 2010 @ 1:56pm

    Movies to avoid

    Not only am I boycotting "Hurt Locker", I'm also avoiding the following: Diary of the Dead; Tangled; The Keeper; The Whistleblower; The Company You Keep; and By Virtue Fall. The letter written to Chartier expressed an opinion in polite terms, defended the action to be taken, and was an appropriate communication from a consumer to a producer. Chartier's response was arrogant, rude, boorish, and failed to directly address the concerns of the consumer. I certainly won't do business with a person or company that responds to a politely-worded complaint with a flame of that magnitude.
  • Apr 24th, 2010 @ 6:51am

    Donation made

    Thanks for reminding me. I just made a donation through the Sita website. Sorry about the Paypal, I don't have Google Checkout. Sita rocks, and thanks for copylefting the film.

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