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  • Jun 5th, 2011 @ 3:10am

    Re: We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .

    Absent a decision by all Americans to develop spine and integrity sufficient to refuse to support a society that would be party to mass murder for political purposes, America will never be able to deal with the collapse that now threatens the very nature of their (Claimed) fundamental freedoms.

    Woe. They now threaten each other with their irrationality.

    Daniel J. Lavigne
    "The Tax Refusal"
  • Feb 15th, 2011 @ 4:55am

    America's Corporate Masters Don't Need "Evidence" . .

    America's Corporate Masters Don't Need "Evidence" . . . they have all the needed Judges bowing and scraping at their command.

    Regardless that they shall be let loose upon Humanity's latest heroes . . and do as they did to the NeuroSurgeon who was sentenced to 86 years in Jail for daring to defy America's mice . . . after keeping her in jail in Afghanistan for some 5 years and allowing her youngest child to die while in such conditions:

    Bradley Manning has proved his mettle.

    He won't accept any deal offered by bastards who are unable to care less about "Humanity" than they presently do.

    But such will be rendered meaningless when the "Boot-Licker" nation, Sweden, manages to extradite Julian Assange from Britain and then deliver him, regardless the law against any such action, into the hands of America's torturers.

    BTW: America's Corporate Masters are quite leery / hesistant about putting Bradley Manning on trial.

    His defense, his only defense, is based on the concept of "Superior Duty".

    All who have knowledge of crimes committed by their nation, superiors or any other that can be considered "A Crime Against Humanity" have a DUTY, at law, to ensure that such is revealed to as great an audience as possible.

    Ergo: Bradley Manning and Julian Assange shall suffer for their crime of daring to do "The Right Thing".

    Of course, most Americans, perhaps due the nature of their infection by the madness of greed, are unable to come to terms and accept and support the need for individuals with spine and integrity sufficient to speak up when they KNOW they must.

    To help all such Americans, I offer this:

    Maintain The Rage!
    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal. 


    ************************* *****
    And the related effort to wake the world:

  • Feb 15th, 2011 @ 4:22am

    "Peak Oil" provoked the need for the "Patriot Act"

    "Peak Oil" provoked the need for 9/11 and the "Patriot Act"

    Its that simple.

    Read the reasons "why" America will face ever more draconian legislation . . until it falls into a state of ABSOLUTE ANARCHY by December 2012.

    Think "oil" and why America can't exist as an Imperial "Give us what you have or else!" state.

    Then think about the rich and "why" they are so scared of the near future.

    HINT: The RICH know about "Peak Oil" and what that portends for the whole of Humanity.

    Sorry, folks, but its time to wake!

    To help you do so, I offer this:

    Maintain The Rage!
    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal. 


    ************************* *****
    And the related effort to wake the world:

  • Feb 9th, 2011 @ 4:35am

    Re: Consent or be shot

    "Consent or be shot."?

    No, that won't do it. That's a coward's way. Do this: Tell the Judge that you choose to . . .

    Maintain The Rage!
    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal. 


    ************************* *****
    And the related effort to wake the world:
  • Feb 9th, 2011 @ 4:28am

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    " You seem to be suggesting that when there's something of significant concern, the government can just ignore whatever laws are in the way. "

    Such as the right and lawful duty of all to REFUSE to aid, abet, fund, pay taxes to, or otherwise support, in any manner whatsoever, a society that participates in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to use nuclear and / or other weapons of mass murder against defenseless fellow human beings??

    Which, of course brings to mind the reality that jurors in some (All?) jurisdictions must sign a form stating that, to the best of their knowledge, they have NOT broken ANY LAW, that they are property owners and that they have no outstanding TAX debt.

    Hmmm: He faces "Contempt of Court" charges.

    My advice: Confront the Judge with the following: �Your Honour, I have reason to believe, and I do verily believe, that you, sir, have brought the Administration Of Justice Into Contempt And Disrepute ". Such aside:

    Maintain The Rage!
    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal. 


    ************************* *****
    And the related effort to wake the world:
  • Jan 13th, 2011 @ 1:25am

    Re: The Masters have spoken!!

    Actually, adherence to "The Rule Of Law" is the quintessential requirement of all citizens.

    Absent such commitment, we are left with nothing to guide our discourse; leading to situations where the vilest and most violent amongst us WILL have their way.

    Indeed, that very "Rule Of Law" calls upon ALL to REFUSE to support societies that participate in plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit murder, and, especially so, "Mass Murder".

    Still, it remains that the vast majority, as self-centered cowards, DARE not act on such right and duty until it is absolutely clear to them that there shall be no costs or consequences, just "Tax Savings", if they should develop spine sufficient to act on such.

    And so we are left to do what we can, while the world slides into a cesspool of anarchy and worldwide mass murder due the demands of America's Corporate Leadership.

    There is BUT ONE WAY to save our collective future:

    We MUST, regardless the risk, ACT on our lawful duty to refuse to support any society that would use its nuclear and / or other weapons of mass murder in order to secure the oil and other natural resources without which the whole of that society shall suffer as all others as the "downslope" of "Peak Oil" limits the amount of energy available to "share" amongst the nations and their millions who all DEMAND that THEIR ACCESS to such not be curtailed or even limited to any degree.


    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal. 


    And the related effort to wake the world:

  • Jan 7th, 2011 @ 4:15am

    Truth, Transparency & Taxes

    When nations (Including the Supreme Courts of all such nations.) willfully fail to address, publicize, endorse and enforce the right and duty of ALL to refuse to support societies that are party to plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit mass murder via the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass murder, EVERY individual within any such society should immediately act as per that suggested by "The Tax Refusal".

    Add your voice to reason's call.

    Join the Tax Refusal.

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