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  • Mar 19th, 2018 @ 12:36pm

    The Maidan massacre

    Thanks for that link... it's an excellent teaching tool.

    Most interesting comment:

    "I can say who is guilty of Maidan massacre. Those who chopped trees. They hid the evidence."

    Mos t interesting article:

  • Mar 19th, 2018 @ 11:25am


    ...or it would prove there was only one shooter, exactly as reported. Or, it wouldn't prove a damn thing. Or, one of you amateur chuckleheads would get your assumptions wrong and start spreading actual disinformation that leads to more people getting hurt or killed.

    Well, we all know what your agenda is: intimidate everyone into silence who dares to question the official narrative, regardless of how much evidence and witness testimony contradicts it. You're all about trying to be popular, so you cannot afford for the answer to be anything other than what you think the majority wants to believe. It reminds me of that famous Swinton quote about most journalists being "intellectual prostitutes."

    You've obviously reached a conclusion already

    That is a monstrous hypocrisy. Paddock was "convicted" in the news media without any evidence, on the same day as the incident occurred -- and this is what you are promoting. You're just trying to silence anyone who does not accept the conclusion which you reached without reviewing all of the evidence.

    you're just looking for data to support it

    And you are ignoring all of the data which does not support your theory.

    if the actual evidence doesn't match your conclusion, you'll just start banging on about how the evidence has been faked anyway

    Another false accusation, nuff said.

    Nothing seems to convince you that perhaps it's your conspiracy hucksters who are wrong

    This is just hypocrisy: no amount of evidence and witness testimony which contradicts the official narrative will ever be accepted by you.

    You seem to invent wild theories about what the "real story" might be

    Just more hypocrisy: what is more "wild" than the official theory that a guy brought in a truckload of weapons without being observed by anyone, when only one weapon would be needed, then playing slots for 8 hours before randomly shooting people for no reason and then killing himself, and on top of that the security video disappears.

    without considering that perhaps it's already in front of you.

    The hypocrisy just never ends: if anyone is guilty of not reviewing all of the evidence here it is you

    Healthy scepticism is good, but you guys can tend to go way, way beyond healthy.

    And your definition of "healthy" means never questioning anything that public officials say, unless it's a politician that you don't like, and then you ridicule EVERYTHING, even when you know that your criticism is baseless. The problem here is your monstrous ego. You dont want to know if I am right about anything, because you have invested too much in ridiculing supporters of alternative news outlets like Infowars. You've never been able to admit you are wrong about anything. You lump everyone who disagrees with you together under the pejorative "you guys" and you think that justifies ignoring all evidence which contradicts what you want to believe. On the contrary, none of "us" conspiracy theorists want the government to be involved. But emotional desires dont make it so. You have committed yourself to the premise that false flag operations are impossible, and therefore must reject any evidence which could support that conclusion.

  • Mar 19th, 2018 @ 9:59am


    > I see you're unaware of online conspiracy theorists, especially those who frequent places like Infowars who believe that all of these victims are actually actors shipped from venue to venue to pretend to be shot

    Ah, I see you're unaware that Infowars never claimed this is what happened

    > I never said they did

    Funny how you don't like to be accused of making false accusations but you continue to make the same false accusation against others over & over: repeatedly insinuating that everyone who challenges the official narrative believes its crisis actors, as if there is no other option. It's like you are trying to shut down all forms of dissent with ridicule. It's not gonna work.

    > in order to peddle supplements to idiots

    But the national TV networks selling dissociative psychiatric drugs that trigger shooting rampages is okay. Fuckin' hypocrite.

    > If they bucked their normal trend here then that's great, but the cries of such things after every atrocity is usually quite predictable and tiresome

    So it's not "predictable and tiresome" when the mainstream media suppresses evidence and witness testimony which contradicts the official narrative? Seems like your real opponent here is the freedom of speech. You call people idiots, but there is nothing more stupid than NOT wanting to know what would cause a sudden epidemic of random violence. Come back and continue this debate after you have spent 5 years studying MKULTRA and reviewed the entire works of George Estabrooks and Derren Brown.

    Do you have a citation outside of the source known to lie to its audience? If so, please provide it.

    I will give you one of the more dramatic examples of this trend. There are plenty more, but I wont provide logins for paid analytics sources (or be tricked into wasting my day on someone who will throw my work in the trash.) As they say "Google is your friend."

    "Infowars... made an extraordinary leap of 31 spots" (in one month)

    "You are also unaware of the fact that it's now legal for the U.S. military-intelligence community to direct false propaganda at the domestic population."

    Not being American, I don't give a shit.

    And that is my point: you don't want to know if your assumptions are wrong and you don't care about anyone but your self -- you just want to ridicule people who are looking at suppressed evidence and searching for truth. You're also a liar: if you did not have a political agenda, you would not be trying so hard to discredit Infowars. Since Alex Jones is aggressively anti-communist, it's not hard to guess what your agenda might be. Furthermore, the secret police in your country belong to the same global crime syndicate which sponsors false flag terrorism (SIGINT Seniors Europe, a.k.a. Fourteen Eyes) so you are not immune just because you are not American. I suggest you spend another year studying Operation Gladio before you take another shit in this forum. The BBC documentary of the same name would be a good start.

    I just like laughing at people who've bought into a more obvious line of false propaganda.

    Notice how the news media declared Paddock to be the culprit and the only shooter on the SAME DAY of the incident, without any evidence, without interviewing any of the witnesses who contradicted the official narrative, despite the fact that the security video is missing. If you think all of that is funny, you are pretty sick.

    Until they decide to react to that propaganda . by attacking people in real life, at least, then it stops being funny.

    I'll hold you to your own standard here: "Do you have any evidence of this? If so, please provide it."

    Says you.

    Wow... that's the most intelligent thing I ever heard in a debate. You win!

    So, then, is there anything happening around these shootings that has actually happened? From the claims of people like yourself, there doesn't seem to have been anyone living in these places at all until busloads of actors were shipped in to play the victims and bystanders.

    I never made any such claim. You cling to this false accusation because you have nothing else to support your argument.

    Or... it is actually happening as reported and you're the one being manipulated.

    Well, that would mean all of the witness testimony which was recorded on video and telephone which contradicts the official narrative has to be fake. The hypocrisy of your assertion did not escape notice here.

    I'd say stop claiming things about "crisis actors"

    You keep repeating this false accusation because you have nothing else to argue here. And you're pretty damn stupid if you dont understand why false conspiracy theories are promoted to discredit real ones. I suppose you think no one was killed in the German prison camps because government conspiracies just cant exist.

    How the fuck would releasing autopsy reports tell you that?

    I never claimed that it would. Man... I don't know if you are just frightfully stupid, or if you are just so emotionally attached to communist ideology that you have to ridicule Infowars supporters even at the expense of the truth. But I do know that anyone who has time to make over 14,000 posts on this forum is an extreme narcissist who does NOT have time to educate himself. Wise men study; fools spend all their time talking.

  • Mar 19th, 2018 @ 9:30am

    (untitled comment)

    What the fuck, dude. You think the quote is not accurate? I linked to a search engine to point out multiple sources. If I had not embarrassed you in that other thread, you would not be following me around posting stupid shit like this. Crazy narcissist.
  • Mar 19th, 2018 @ 8:08am


    The internet already told you everything you need to know about Facebook:

    "They trust me... dumb fucks." — Mark Zuckerberg

  • Mar 18th, 2018 @ 3:00pm


    > Ah, I see you're unaware of online conspiracy theorists, especially those who frequent places like Infowars who believe that all of these victims are actually actors shipped from venue to venue to pretend to be shot.

    Ah, I see you're unaware that Infowars never claimed this is what happened — you just parrot what you are told by their competition (which is losing thousands of viewers to Infowars every hour.) You are also unaware of the fact that it's now legal for the U.S. military-intelligence community to direct false propaganda at the domestic population. And you are unaware that posting FALSE conspiracy theories to discredit CORRECT ones is a textbook procedure taught to all students of psychological warfare. So you're pretty much dumb as a stump, and are not really qualified to comment on this subject due to your willful ignorance.

    > I envy you your naiveté.

    Ah, I see that you're manifestly insincere as well.

    > Sadly those people are known to physically harass and even attack the surviving family members of victims. so it's not a trivial issue.

    In fact, it's wildly exaggerated, and any incident of this nature is more likely to be an example of MKULTRA or psychological warfare designed to discredit legitimate investigative journalism.

    > the timely release of autopsy report does head off some of the nuts

    In this case, "nut" being defined as anyone who wants to know:

    a) who stole the surveillance video, and b) why all the witness testimony about multiple shooters is being censored by the six corporations that control 90% of the mainstream media

  • Mar 18th, 2018 @ 2:08pm


    What possible purpose would public release serve in the case of a mass shooting in which the cause of death is not a point of dispute?

    If you knew the location of their wounds, and could place the victims on video at the time they were shot, a simple process of triangulation would prove that some of the shots did not originate from the hotel.

  • Mar 18th, 2018 @ 1:57pm

    Useless and Ugly? ... what about UNLAWFUL?

    There is no federal police jurisdiction in the constitution outside the District of Columbia and other federal possessions. Treason never prospers, what's the reason? When it prospers, none dare call it treason.

  • Mar 18th, 2018 @ 1:50pm

    Re: police unions - the root of all problems

    Agreed. People who are paid with funds that were stolen from the public effectively at gunpoint have no right to organize, strike, or negotiate.

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