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  • Sep 26th, 2021 @ 6:28am

    Re: Re: many things you are omitting

    Looks like you've just red last row of my message. Registration of another brand, completely unrelated like this one, already forced the shutdown of an italian wine brand, for good. You talk about 'crony' politicians. That's not the case. Minister is opposing and he's 47 years old. The whole country is very attentive on this dispute. We are aware of being judged abroad with stereotypes, as a stupid population to be exploited and then blamed at the same time. By a bunch of racist politicians from other countries that use ignorance and prejudice for their purposes.

  • Sep 25th, 2021 @ 2:38pm

    many things you are omitting

    Why do italians want to defend Prosecco. Once upon a time there was an italian wine called Tocai. Then the Hungarians registered Tokaji name, and Tocai had to change name. No more Tocai in Italy. Friulano nowadays. But if you order Tocai in those places, they still give you the Italian one. Then there is the cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano. High quality. We have lower quality brands, with different names, so at supermarket, one can choose. Abroad: "parmesan". It's shit disguised as cheese, but consumers believe to buy Parmigiano, because of the name. About Prosecco, was imitated with Meer-secco, Kressecco, Semisecco, Consecco, Perisecco, Whitesecco, Crisecco. And I'm missing something for sure. Competitors could just choose a different name, which is the best choice if they make a better wine. But they don't. So they just try get customers with the name trick. So Prosecco people are not bullying anyone. They are defending their rights, and customers' rights at the same time.

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