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  • Jun 1st, 2011 @ 8:31am

    Copyright Laws Dead?

    Medvedev is only speaking of the internet as he sees it. Killer_Tofu: You are accurate also in your perception of motives. At least, we hope so.
    Anonymous Coward: Medvedev's motives may not be as bleak as you think they are.
    We already have the technologies in place to enforce copyright protections globally; as they have been known to be in the past. The issue of the protection of original ideas in the form of music, art, and literature are well covered by law already. "Intellectual Property" is a concept that has only developed in the internet age. But when we want to apply past history to the future; we often fail in discovering the appropriate path to take. So, what is the best path? The one that balances concerns of ownership with fairness and equality of benefit is the best one to pursue. I am not defending any point of view without sufficient evidence of the good will of the intent.

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