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  • Dec 6th, 2005 @ 3:51pm

    I wonder if he had ever BLOGGED or maybe had a MYS (as Adam)

    I honestly don't know whether it's stupidity or a greedy attempt to capitalize on the greater public's fear of and/or ignorance about newer technologies, but it's so bang-my-head-worthy when I keep reading breathless articles suggesting that technology itself is key to a crime.


    If your kids or students post a MySpace profile, they'll be abducted and brutally murdered with a spork!

    Video games will reduce your mental and emotional innards to mush. And then brainwash you into killing bank tellers with a spork!

    Pedophiles in chat rooms! Your child will be powerless to resist; they'll fly like moths to a flame, and some large bubba named Bub will molest your sweet young thing with a spork!
  • Apr 30th, 2005 @ 2:55pm

    Gevalia even spams customers! (as Adam)

    I signed up for a Gevalia tea delivery trial (with a unique e-mail address used ONLY for that purpose), decided that it wasn't worth the money, and quit. Weeks later, I started getting 2-3 spams a day from their "partners."

    You can read more about my experience here.

  • Feb 3rd, 2005 @ 9:46am

    Re: Always Sabatoge (as Adam)

    People love kicking the popular kid. Sometimes it seems our whole society is built on schaudenfreude.

    But, seriously, what a counterproductive thing to even contemplate sabataging AdWords. Do we all want to return to the days of blinking shock-the-monkey ads? I, for one, like text ads.

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